Change of name change destiny!
A person may apply differently to his name. But at that moment, when his parents chose his name, they are largely determined some of the features of his character and even the future.
When you change the name or names must change zhizn.Ezoterike - it has been known since ancient times. Our name "connects" us to the forces of our family, having some impact on us (both positive and negative). Accordingly, if you change the name of marriage, it is not just a change of instruments. This represents a very important stage in life associated with the "reconnect" to new sources of subtle energies, which plays a crucial role in the destiny.
Many people, not only to specialists in the study of family name and patronymic, and their influence on the fate unclear motives of the majority of women seek to take his husband's surname after marriage. Of course, it might just be a tribute to old-fashioned tradition, but at the same time as a challenge to fate, but it is known to not like willfulness.
You should not blame women who have taken their husband's name for being too submissive, thus, a woman shows that fully trusts her husband. To show my love a man willing to move mountains, and get a star from the sky, and the woman as evidence of the depth of their feelings, expect change of name.
Of course, what position to follow, everyone's business. But facts are stubborn things, and they show that the change of name is largely changed her life, and it is not always a pleasant change. This confirms the results of years of research of Dutch sociologists.
After the change of name, environment, women, like a new way to see her. Most colleagues and the leadership it seems that she lost part of his business acumen and expertise. Sometimes this leads to lower earnings, and after that lowers self-esteem.
The fact that a married woman is considered to be more dependent, it has no ambition and pressure. My head is a picture of peaceful family dinner, surrounded by children and numerous other relatives, but certainly not on important negotiations.
Maybe at first the woman would be a shame that it is perceived as a continuation of her husband, but that's his name, gives a sense of reliable logistics and security.
Over time, ordinary employees with great calmness and indifference are starting to take a new name in your passport. But for the ladies, who have senior positions in the firm, the change of surname can be very stained reputation. Business, like no other field of business requires stability, and change the names of the head of the partner company may cause suspicion and a feeling that somewhere lurking trick.
Feminists - a totally separate conversation. In our world remains extremely limited areas in which women do not compete on an equal basis with men to prove their usefulness. Changing names is just one occasion on which a woman can very proudly declare their independence. Even if she hated since childhood has its own name, it would never relinquish. This is easily explained, because sometimes become as exciting to defend its own territory from attack, men develop an offensive or defensive tactics, to enter into an unequal battle.
Definitely worth to clarify that no study will give an absolute guarantee on their findings. It may happen, sociologists explain that it was merely coincidence, can the ladies who participated in this study, just lack of ambition, but the desire to equip the family hearth, and be his guardian, in the best sense of the word, developed very .
Certainly not yet time for generalizations, because such investigations are carried out only in Holland and other countries have not yet been conducted. And who knows whether or not at all to hold them. According to statistics, more than 75% of brides in Russia break up with her maiden name, replacing it with the surname of her husband. About 20% after the wedding remain under his name and only 5% of brides take the hyphenated name. After all, common sense and intuition suggest that the adoption of male name will save you many problems, especially when it comes time to have a baby.
For example, you will not need to answer the insistent questions of your child about why you and dad are different names. Believe me it is very important, because of sensitive children, such uncertainties can bring to the disruption or hysterical, because peers can be very cruel.
Another important addition, if the mother goes on vacation with their children without a father, the law enforcement agencies do not have a question - why do you have a child with different surnames. And you save time and effort. On the background of recent scandals about abductions of children, it is very important.
Well, certainly the general name, not only formally unites the family, but also makes it a whole.