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Charms for children

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Charms for children

Children charms are needed, because they are most vulnerable to evil forces. However, in this case, the charms will work, if you are struggling want to protect her child.


• Children are more of us suffer from our conflicts. If you can not quarrel, do so in the absence of children. No scandals. Weep not for children. Even infants do not say "Daddy gave us, no we do not need."

• Do not get tired to explain to children what the street need to fear not only cars but also people. Of course, keep the measure does not force children to shy away from passers-by, but teach them to be observant and cautious.

• In addition, a talisman give your child a whistle, explain why you need it.

• Do not allow children to stay until dark, meet them in the evening. If a visit to your child's delayed other children who can not take away the parents spend their home.

• Listen to what the child says. If, for example, is regularly near the school meets a strange man who comes after him, it's probably not mere fantasy! In your power to prevent the disaster!

• Do not ignore complaints about children's health.

Revelation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Hem leaf with a guardian to the inside of your child's clothing.

Was the Mother of God to the Mount of Olives to pray. She prayed God Almighty: "Send me, Lord, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Archangel Gabriel, but he told me to open my fate of heaven." Heard her Lord God Almighty, and sent the Archangel Gabriel, and went to heaven the archangel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary said: "Rejoice, radiance of the Father, the Hail, home of the Son, Hail, the commandment of the Holy Spirit, Hail, the stronghold of the seven heavens, rejoice, stronghold of the eleven fortresses , Hail, the worship of angels, rejoice, surpassing the prophets unto the throne of God. I will tell you your destiny earth, and shew thy heavenly fate. And how thou shalt die, Mother of God, so will the Lord Jesus Christ, and he confesses thee, and thee the sacrament itself, and very little soul he shall take off from thee, and carry the soul into the kingdom of heaven, to the throne of God Almighty. And God Almighty, and say: "My beloved Son Jesus! A Carry your heart to the Blessed Mother's body back to white, but puts into his chest pure, and exalted Mother of God in the kingdom of heaven is alive and unharmed. " And who is the revelation of these things arhangelovo will know that death does not proceed, and the sin of him to back down. " Amen.

Prayer guardian angel of the Day

In the Name Day of the child read the guardian over him while he sleeps. Leaflet with the prayer-guardian shall keep in the clothing your child (hem from the inside or just put in your pocket).

Holy Guardian Angel my offspring (name), covered it with your cover from the arrows of demon seducer from the eyes and keep his heart in the angelic purity. Amen.

Conspiracies-lore of the child with adult hostility

1.Molitva-Ward Guria, Samona and Aviv for the reconciliation of people living under the same roof.

About glory: Martyr Gurie, Samona and Aviv! To you, for they very present help and warm prayer, we are weak and unworthy, resorts, diligently imploringly: Do not despise Ny, many of lawlessness vpadshiya and all the days and hours sogreshayuschiya; guide to the path of the misguided right, heal suffering and skorbyashiya; compliance Ny in virgin and chaste Life; iyakozhe of old, tacos, and now patrons marriages abide in love and concord Sia utverzhdayusche and from all evil and disastrous hardships izbavlyayusche. Defend, O mnogomoschnyya Confessor, all the Orthodox Christians of adversity, evil man and demonic wiles; Protect I from nechayannyya death, pleaded Vseblagago Lord, that great and richest mercy to us, the humble servant of his, probavit. Nesmith more worthy of unclean lips prizyvati majestic name of our Creator, If ye do not you, the holy martyrs, for us intercessors will, for the sake of this resort to you and your predstatelstva before the Lord for us please. Takozhde deliver us from the smooth surface, flood, fire, sword, strange invasion, mezhdousobnyya battle, smertonosnyya ulcers and vsyakago dushepagubnago hardships. She, martyrs of Christ, we arrange your prayers all the good and useful, but piously life and death of a temporary preshedshe styazhavshe an honorable, worthy of the intercession of your warm with all the saints on the right hand of God the Judge of Pravosudnago article, and glorify Him continually with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

This talisman will protect a child who suffers from the animosity of adults. Keep a leaflet with a guardian must be at the head of the bed where baby sleeps.

2.Molitva-Ward Mother of God Semistrelnoy of softening the hearts of evil.

Semistrelnoy Chosen Virgin Mary, prevysshey all daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, Whose Dade save the world, with adoration: and behold the mnogoskorbnoe our life, I will mention the grief and illness, ihzhe undergone didst our earth-born, and make us by Thy mercy , so call to Thee: Rejoice, mnogoskorbnaya Mother of God, our sorrow into joy translated. On the long-suffering Mother of God, Prevysshaya all daughters of the earth, the purity of his and a lot of suffering, thou hast carried over to the land, receive mnogoboleznennyya our sighs and keep us under the shelter of Thy mercy. Other more shelter and teplago predstatelstva not you vemy, but Thou daring haves to Cherubic born of thee, help and save Ny prayers of his, yes nepriidezhe with all the saints will sing at the Holy Trinity one God, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Between the cover and buy the Saturday of the red tape, tie it to 40 knots and the hem of her piece of paper with a talisman. Fasten the tape over the crib.

Conspiracies-amulets against the evil eye

1.Before how to bathe the child put a piece of paper with a talisman for a couple of minutes with it, where you bathe your baby, for example, under the bath. Only water should already be typed.

Lord Jesus Christ, Thou art the water of life, sanctify this water for bathing the baby servant of God (name), has committed its water of life, Thou Font baptismal font, and grant him health bodily and spiritual purity. Amen.

2.Hranite leaf with a guardian of the child in bed.

Get up, bowed, Saint Nicholas pray. Nicholas the Miracle-Worker, Worlds Likiyskiyh bishop, prelate of the world, seas prohoditel, land protector, Nikola know the angels of God, put a candle Nicolet hot, put Nicolet eves gingerbread, and I'm Nicola I pray for God's servant (name), save it and have mercy, and everywhere abide with him, pray to the Lord and driving away all his fears at night, all day Down and Out. Amen. Amen. Amen.

3.Podsheyte amulet to suture the child's clothing, from the inside, left.

The king of heaven, Whose singing warriors Angelstam, praise and exalt Him throughout all ages. Messenger from God, strengthen the belly of thy servant (name), preblagy Angele, and leave him forever. Amen.

Guardian for her son the day Angela

Holy Angel Hristov, patron of children of my (name), from the love of mother I cry Thee, the keeper of his soul, all-holy Angele: covered him and observing from the evil one is always catching and heavenly guide to life, warning and educating and strengthening it. Amen.

Mother on the day of his son Angel hem leaf with a guardian to his clothes (on the reverse side).

Guardian for her daughter on the day of the Angel

Holy Angel Hristov, patron of the slaves of God (name), I beseech Thee, O Thou mother: her robe podazhd light, light blanket rizoyu Thou, merciful Christ our God. Set her free from all evils and sorrows of the save, I pray Thee, the holy Angele, given to her by God, the keeper of this young woman (name). Light up her mind, blessed, and enlighten her, I pray Thee, the holy Angele and mysliti it is always useful guide. Amen.

Mother on the day of his daughter Angela hem leaf with a guardian to her clothes (on the reverse side).

Conspiracies-lore of the evil influence

1.Chtoby your child does not come under bad influence, unknown to him, place this amulet to him in the left shoe under the insole.

Lord God, bless, sanctify, cleanse the servant of God (name) from all blasphemous thoughts and evil, and all the evil of freedom. Otzheni from his demonic attack, and mockery of the devil, his own strength: strengthen and Thy Holy Spirit went sohraniti body and soul to God's servant (name). Amen.

2.When prepare your child a bath, pour into it a little bit of holy water. Leaf with a guardian and sprinkle with holy water, and every time your child is clean, put it under the bath.

Holy water, the Queen of Heaven, the power of the Cross! Cleanse my child, a servant of God (name) from every defilement of flesh and spirit, and bring the true reason, health podazhd his body, and soul salvation. Amen.
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