Charms for good luck
M aria Semyonovna said that any deal would be successful if in front of him to read certain prayers and perform rituals. Both call for assistance to the Guardian angel and patron saints, and they will help it cope.
Yes, only in each case the approach is needed, - she said to me - as no people are alike, and similar cases do not happen. Each person has his own guardian angel, and in each case - their patron saint.
"And you can make it so that all will be lucky, right? - I could not imagine such happiness.
-You can, of course. Here I live, Irina, but all naudivlyatsya can not on such a simple servants' quarters. And what, one wonders, mayutsya? This money will not start, even though working in sweat; utogo, you see a solid path of failure - the wheel burst, then the motor stall - because after all, not long before the accident. The girl, it happens to all good - umnitsarazumnitsa, beauty, no search, but all the grooms side passes. Many people have trouble, a lot of difficulties, and in fact could not be happier. Only the run of good luck.
"But because people can help?
-Can, Irina, everything is possible. Only with caution.
This time, the first Maria Semyonovna herself invited me to write a book, very much it seemed necessary to help people not to suffer in vain, where it is easy to handle. And he was born we have a new idea, and she began to teach me. One day teach, for example, what should I do to love is always accompanied luck, the other day - the money to lure so as to cause that the money was not transferred, the third day - that lived in the house easily and joyfully. Maria Semyonovna herself checked all my records - God forbid, something I messed up. "If anything does not do so, - she said - then it would be better and did not do at all. Rite - he loves the accuracy, precision, and without much harm can. "
That's just what I want to warn you: it does what all of the actions prescribed in each case! These actions are not complicated, they do nothing, but luck is always on your side. And pray do not forget the words they do not confuse, but rather rewrite and carry with them: his hand rewritten prayer - the most effective.
"Much have I seen anyone that people are doing, just to lure good fortune, but that does not know that is not to angels prechistym let not the saints go to their requests, and the forces of darkness - Maria Semyonovna just waved his hand .- A dark force, Irina - the fact and dark, that benefit from them no one trouble. Here and there people happiness. People do not know how to properly deal to start, here and listen to all sorts of witches so fortune-tellers, but still you have been written in all - the devil himself a leg break! You warn people not to believe different talkers. Our ceremonies for centuries and people are not fooled anyone yet. "

Charms, prayers and rituals for them, which attract luck, love, health, success, wealth, hereditary Pechora healer Fedorovskiy collected from the XVI century. These rituals call for help all around us: the grass forest, meadow, marsh, and ancient trees, and the shifting sands and the waters of river and sea, earth and underground, and the fire is hot, and the very Mother of damp earth and the heavenly host . In each case - your helper and protector, each case requires its own ritual.
"Just tell people, Irina, that a cause of my rituals aides that another man or beast, evil bears. Kohl steal something imagined, or deceive anyone, or, for example, husband and wife to separate, let better not try - the evil will turn against them "- strictly warned me Maria Semyonovna.
Maria Semyonovna - just a healer, not a witch, so in the evil of its rituals to use - a great sin. The answer for this sin will keep a bad man once - he experienced what he wanted another, and treble. These rituals do not take away the fate of other people, they lure you to your: not someone else's wealth gets you through them, as his own, which simply can not you the time to find; ilyubov not defraud anybody - it finds you it is your love .
When the material was collected and prepared for inclusion in the book, I showed the resulting text Semyonovna Mary, she had endorsed and blessed to print. She said: "The wise man chooses what he wants, he will not demand from the fate that destiny he can not give. Everyone - his wealth and his own love, and difficulties in life, too, to each their own, but only tears for the fate of da damn - this is for idiots. And smart people we're giving a hand tool that lure and luck, and happiness will not let go away. "