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Checking partner of masculinity

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Checking partner of masculinity

At all times, the surest proof of the sincerity of the feeling of love that men are saved beauties of villains, from his imprisonment, from an evil wizard, etc. In the Middle Ages knights battled for the hearts of the lady with dragons, griffins and other vermin. In the Age of Enlightenment for women fighting duels. Now the lady advocate in street fights with bullies. Street fight - it's not as romantic, and sometimes even more dangerous than a duel, but the confidence that your vote can count on you for him like a stone wall, making it in your eyes worthy of your unconditional love.

But what if the test partner of masculinity you still do not go well? Fate does not want you to arrange a meeting with a couple-three bullies from a dark alley. What to do? Whether to stage a very similar situation to finally see whether your partner is worthy of love? My advice: do not try to organize the theater attack in the alley, asking your friends to depict bullies. Any outcome of this provoked a fight you do not like. He either runs away, covering you with indelible disgrace in front of your friends, or will be on your defense, and knowing what it will be just angry because you have put into question not only his courage, but most importantly - his love.

You may not dispose of the life of your beau and put it before the difficult choice: either to prove their devotion to the lady of the heart and fall in battle, defending her honor, or save their lives and escape the impending danger. Such tests can be satisfied only by fate itself. If you still encounter in a dark alley with a noisy company of the local punks, then you can clearly see the power of feelings your vote. To love men no matter how many times the opponent's superior strength of his own: if is threatened his mistress, he is ready to do anything to protect her.
 If it is not a bodybuilding champion, or a black belt in karate, but an ordinary student of physics and mathematics, which does not possess superhuman physical abilities, please be assured that he is not afraid of danger, even if life never fought. If your beau with honor to protect you from attacks of these impudent, then congratulations - it has been tested for durability. But if he turned around and ran to escape, sparkling heels, while his sense is not sincere and you'd better forget it as quickly as possible. Although after such an event is unlikely to remind you when something about their existence.

Real courage is not in need of demonstration and verification. It must manifest itself if need be - if you really get into trouble. Therefore it is better not to provoke a dangerous situation and careful to walk with your lover in a dark alley.
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