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Child and Sports

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Child and Sports

Give your child the opportunity to prove themselves. He may not be an Olympic champion, a famous artist, famous musician, but the experience and skills acquired in childhood, no doubt, will be useful to him in adult life. Do not miss the time! Four or five years - the age when parents time to act. The child has no more base-load - the school, from which you can not get away, but already there is a desire to learn! It is necessary to use! At this age the child is already able to perceive the adult as a mentor.

Parents will identify lessons for his child, and most importantly, find time to attend these classes. This is the first difficulty. Adults are always busy, and find in your busy schedule is not so easy. Do not hesitate to ask for help to everyone: grandparents, aunts and uncles kid to join this all. Let someone removes a child, the other takes it with class. Take a look around, there is always a way out. Mature, respectable and lonely neighbor probably will not give you help for a reasonable amount or your possible assistance to her.

If you are unable to agree with relatives, your way - the nurse. Many will say: "Nanny - expensive, and what for? Well, think of it, will miss once or twice, nothing will change. " Very much change! Change the attitude of the child. He should understand that it is impossible to miss, take time off from classes, you can not be lazy! And you, in turn, have to remember that sports or music - this is his "work", and it is no less important than your own.
So, baby, and sports. For myself, I well understand that no sport anywhere. This not only makes a child healthy, strong, sturdy, but also teaches him to be collected, attentive, organized, and intelligently allocate their time. In children, the mass of energy, and sports great help to spend it with health benefits. Sports clubs and clubs a lot. Girls are more like gymnastics, figure skating, choreography. But to a child interested in something, you have to show him how it's nice and cool.

One little girl really wanted to become a ballerina because she too wanted to wear a pack and pointe shoes. Another girl was delighted with shimmering ribbons in the hands of gymnasts. If your daughter the desire to be like that, "an aunt who danced so beautifully, looking rather dance studio, and lead thither my little princess. But it would be nice to explain that all work is achieved and it will have to work hard before she becomes, as is the aunt. "

Boys are likely to be interested in hockey, gymnastics, swimming and soccer. Here may come to the fore the pope. Dad is an example for the younger tomboy. The boy wants to be like his father, seeks to emulate him. If the pope got around to play with your baby in football, ever take with me to a hockey game or show the class - the rise with the flip of lettuce, half the job done. The boy will want to repeat the father's exploits. Strong, Almighty father hoisted on the bar, stand up to the gate, zavyazhetsya tighter skates - what could be better? The child is ecstatic father proud, and we can go safely recorded in the sports section!

But already at the first lesson your young athlete may face some difficulties. First, load. With the habit will be hard. And quite possibly, the child begins to whine that he is tired, can not and, eventually, does not want to do what he can not, he can not. Sometimes you have to push, force. Show that he was sorry you did not meet your expectations. Often it works.

The child may well be enough of your faith in him, that he himself believe in themselves. The main thing is not to retreat, no surrender! He already starts to develop character, and if you let him take a step back, then the next time it will be much harder to cope with failure. Secondly, the child may not like the manager. If you think this is the best coach, educator and believe in his honesty and professionalism, and the baby cries, that will never be heard, "Nikolai Petrovich," and do what he says - what to do?

You can change your coach, you can change the sports school, or ... change the baby. The latter - the most incredible thing. Change the opinion of your child's teacher about the difficult, but possible. Try to make it accessible and convincing. It is possible that you'll get. But before you do it, do not forget to still figure out what "Nikolai Petrovich so bad. Maybe, in the words of a child is some truth? In any case, giving the child to the sport, you first must themselves be willing to endure any hardship with your child!
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