Child beggars
Limit and the most unjust consequence of social and economic stratification is the appearance of many street children and beggars. Child beggars are not to blame, that their fate is composed tragically. A wealthy parents believe that these children - make sure the experience of drug and alcohol abuse, early sexual encounters, including a perversion - not best friends for their children. According to the State report on the situation of children in Russia, the number of orphans and children left without parental care, not less than 700,000. Of these, only 10-15% are adopted. According to unofficial estimates, the country's 4 million social orphans, ie those who have a living mother or father, but hang out on the streets.
As luck would have it beggars are going just where he lives and runs a respectable audience - to increase fees for alms. How do we behave with these children and what to say her? "He was not lucky? "Do not come to him, he grimy"? "What do you think, how old is he?"? "Will a bad lead, you will become the same"? "Where are watching their parents?"? "You have to call a policeman '? But more often we remain silent and turn away, not really thinking about how we perceive that grimy, badly dressed and somehow fed baby.
When thousands of people who walk past, just one look closely in the eye and say something foolish, but a human, it is nothing to live emotionally. If you submit within each person a light that shows the level of emotional warmth, he in them, as in frogs, barely warm. They ask not just trivia - they need our attention. We fear them because we know that bad. We know them and sometimes do not want to because we think: they are - this is a misunderstanding in our lives and our children. The position of the adult usually is: "This government should worry about the problematic categories of citizens."

Many children complain of the cruelty of their parents, and gives examples of how to time their callousness toward the poor and beggars. I remember: the age of nine my son with his friend Slava began to collect and pass the bottle to give change to beggars on the porch. I had to talk to him about this, but tell that the poor constitute a crime "syndicates" and earn a good idea, I did not. Deferred until later. At this age, for the son was important my ability to respond to the grief of others and, therefore, to understand and, if there is a problem. I just began to submit a penny to the poor and beggars, when we walked together. The most difficult time for people living alone and homeless - are holidays and weekends. Looking at our lives in their homes, they're tired of waiting for us mercy and compassion. In those days there are more on the streets, and we need to give them a little trivia.