All small children are sometimes not telling the truth. In most cases, they do it because I do not think this is something unacceptable or immoral. They are convinced that there is nothing wrong to lie if it'll help a friend or escape punishment. No lectures, notation, suggestion will not help, and behavior will not change. Instead, adults need to stop to put children in such situations when they are forced to lie, "to save face." In some cases, we should just forgive, attributing it's about behavior that is typical for a small child. Sometimes it can be taken as false fantasies of the child. By deceiving fantasies have nothing to do.

Whenever possible, try to show a child the difference between the world of fantasy and the real world: "Of course, playing Batman's interesting, but it is not real, it came up with the writer, and later made a film." Try not to put the child in a situation where he will be forced to justify himself. Do not ask: "Why do you do?", Just ask: "When you quarrel, what happened?" The child must develop self-esteem. This is possible only when it will be hard to know what its like and take in all situations.
How to cope with the problem, if it already is? If the child is lying cheat you straight in the eyes, do not condemn it, do not scold. If you firmly know that the baby is lying now, tell him: "You told a very interesting an entertaining story," - letting him know that distinguish lies from truth. Never ask a child if it was true that he now says, because it is just put him in a situation of deception. Stubborn lie - a signal that the child-deceiver strongly unsure of himself, he feels the need to "write themselves" to be more meaningful to others. If the hype associated with the denial of committing the act, say: "We all sometimes do not, as needed. You're a good man, let's decide together how to do it. "
If a child writes stories
Telling your friends about our news, one of four kid drew a picture: "First we had a long, long time riding the train, then flew on an airplane, then Uncle Vova took us on a red car, then another, drove a horse and finally came to my grandmother." Here is a trip to grandma ... who lives in a nearby neighborhood. Why such a fantasy? From internal unrealized desires a child of imagination, bursting beyond the ordinary, from the booming fantasy. What should I do? Support. Make it clear that you have solved this contrived story, but to support the idea.
If this happens in kindergarten, the caregiver should encourage all children to go on a long journey, that is to organize the game. This is to some extent equalize opportunities for all children, create an atmosphere of creativity, empathy and, of course, will give new impetus to the development of imagination. In a joint discussion to choose the direction of travel (to go) and make a poster with the theme of travel. Record ideas about what kids want to see, learn, and how, in their view, this can be done. Place the record in the waiting room to examine them parents. Ask for "advice" to members of the family of the child: to be invited into the group to clarify the details to make important additions to the plan, provide tips and advice, and if possible take part in a "stage travel. Together with the children to write in block letters and plan to hang it in a conspicuous place. Follow the plan, to celebrate action, achievement, knowledge entries stories, pictures, etc. material evidence.