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Childhood geniuses

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Childhood geniuses

You may be interested to look through the fog of ages in childhood geniuses , people whose names are immortalized in the pages of history. Problems of genius at the tender age and today's children, strange as it may look very similar. And of course, throughout the major role played by adults, who were next to each other, directing the children's dreams in one direction or another.

Leonardo da Vinci

It is known that Leonardo was conceived in a fit of passion. He was the illegitimate child. His father came from a respected family, apparently, had not been able to marry a girl from a lower class, but despite this, the newborn Leonardo was warmly accepted into the family's father, where this chapter was a grandfather - respected in society and well educated, Antonio da Vinci . After just eight months after the birth of Leonardo, his father, himself a notary public, profitable married sixteen-year-daughter of a wealthy Florentine notary. Leonardo's mother Caterina (she was about twenty-six) stayed with the baby in the village, and when Leonardo's first birthday, she married a modest obzhigalschika of settlements in the neighborhood.

 Apparently, not without the help of his grandfather, since then the two families for many years maintained a business relationship. After Leonardo of his mother were born five legitimate children. Little Leonardo lived in a rural area between the house of his stepfather and his paternal relatives, typical of the Tuscan intellectuals. Leonardo's life was fairly modest and simple, and it was because she leaked in the countryside. In 1910 Freud published his book, where figurative reviewed first childhood memory of Leonardo. In particular, Freud wrote: "Leonardo's early years of his life spent in a poor, abandoned by his mother. During this critical period of childhood experiences are recorded and produced ways to respond to the outside world.
Leonard snaps the impression of lack of a father who did not went home and did not enter the circle of the mother-child. On the contrary - a threat to these relations, is their potential destroyer. And this leads to a further escalation of tension: "Who hath desired the child's mother, he can not escape the desire to put yourself in the father to identify with him in his imagination, and later make the goal of life to overcome it." A broken family, the father's absence, disturbing dreams, the love of the mother - the basis of everything. And ... the daily reality of the Tuscan countryside, which also impose these emotions. The aroma of fresh olive oil, the outlines of distant hills, flying kites in the clear sky - all these experiences, learned from childhood, made by Leonardo in the "artist-philosopher."

Leonardo never received formal education, teaching is not hung over him all the interest of his knowledge he had received independently by observation and experiment. Leonardo's creations great and mysterious. Throughout the life of Leonardo's all questioned, seeps into the nature of things being studied. He created a mysterious masterpieces "La Gioconda," "The Last Supper." Based on his bridge project in Constantinople (1499) in 2001 in Norway to create a truly extraordinary beauty bridge - have embodied the idea of Leonardo da Vinci. Dreams of flying like a bird man in heaven haunted Leonardo's lifetime. On a small sheet of paper dated 1485 year, survived a parachute by Leonardo. It has been tested in the air after five hundred years.

Arthur Conan Doyle

The creator of Sherlock Holmes was born in a family which has suffered lifelong financial needs, but with all that mother and father had noble roots and proud of their ancient origins, which, however, little helped them overcome financial difficulties. Conan Doyle's father at one time had the idea to go to Australia to dig gold, but beyond a vague dream is not gone, and the father of the family continued to work in the service of governance. In his spare time he painted. Sometimes illustrations bought magazines, and it brings an additional modest income. The family had four children - three girls and a boy Arthur.

From birth the boy was given all the attention of the mother. She adored her son, he was the idol of her heart. And he adored her. Father wrote in a letter to his brother: "She tells him about the infinitely glorious lineage dating back to the mists of time. Generation after generation of the family history for six hundred years. The boy listens with eyes wide open. " The mother of Arthur had his own convictions and in regard to behavior, so it cram it to him, even when cooked porridge: "Fearlessness - the lot of strengths, and humility - the weak," "Chivalry - against all women." Painted with gold, are inserted into the framework, the names of great hung in a small room, but in the imagination of the mother and son were everywhere knights.

 It is no wonder that Arthur Conan Doyle in his childhood he loved to fight, winning the boys in the yard, and back home, bathe in the literature. Great-uncle Arthur Conan Doyle was the art critic and editor of Art Journal. " When he was five years old, my grandfather sent him to his first book of kings and queens of France, to which a reply was pozabavlen literary composition, composed five years Arthur, where the Bengal tiger were driven into the cave with all sorts of swords, pistols and shotguns. Already being an adult, Arthur Conan Doyle introduced into our lives so bright products generated by his intellect and imagination, as a "Lost World" and the ever lively stories about Sherlock Holmes.

Alexander of Macedon

Alexander was born in the royal family. After birth followed by event-free, no explaining childhood. Baby instructed the nurse. Until the age of six, Alexander played with his cousins and other kids who lived in the palace. In those days, kids played ball, ball, bone, hide and seek, classes. One fine day, or, if desired, in one terrible day Alexander gave to the education of Leonid - a man of severe temper. Started exercise early in the morning, stern piety, constant performance of homework, obedience.

Leonid even open the trunks of Alexander, to check if the mother does not put unnecessary and luxurious things. After seven years, Alexander was completely spared from outpourings of maternal tenderness. Half a dozen teachers were trained to fight, run, throw, long jump, and music. Caregivers indicated Alexander on role models - the great Achilles, whom wanted to be descendants of the rulers. Carers Alexandra years struggled to save him from the influence of his father, a kind of okrivevshego, kolchenogo drunkards. Among the entourage was a lot of scoundrels and unscrupulous villains. Caregivers also tried to instill Prince Alexander traditional beliefs and attitudes.

Of course, whatever the individual education of the child aged up to seven years later to the formation of his character influenced by social relationships. Therefore, if from the very beginning within the family and society is in the same manner and to the progressive ideas of the parents instill in children at high pedagogical level, all this is the best way to influence the future of human activities. Now in today's children more opportunities to get directed education than it ever was. Many additional organizations may assume the role of educators. But unfortunately, not everything is smooth, and often an adult because of the need to be busy at work do not have enough time. But in any case should not be put off education for the next few years and forget about the importance of a human is at an early age. From year to seven.

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