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Childhood memories bring together

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Childhood memories bring together

Proved that the memories of early childhood, those long carefree years when we were young and not capable of a dishonest and corrupt acts, act on the person positively. He seemed to be returning to his childhood and is no longer seen in the surrounding dangerous competitors, capable of deceit and manipulation. It is at such moments it is very easy to control, subjugate its own influence. Childhood memories bring together, so to between you and your partner close ties that he was filled with confidence to you, you can translate the conversation on the topic of memories of childhood.

There are some basic rules that may make this method of controlling the most effective. You have to be very sincere. It is desirable that your memories were real and not fictitious, that they have caused to your buddy feeling of tenderness and desire to share with you own. Remember, you do not just have to ask your partner about how he was a child, but also to talk about themselves, be included in a nostalgic game. This game should remind the ball game: quit - and caught. Your message (a short sketch of the child) should arouse your partner's desire to share our experience with you. Such a game would be successful if you are able to share two or three stories, before proceeding to your request.

This technique is complicated in the sense that the cause in your partner's desire to share with you my children's stories are not so simple. Should be very easy, from afar, to begin this conversation. However, try to relate your story with the whole conversation, that it logically follows from the fact, as you said earlier, otherwise you may be suspected in an effort to appease, cajole and soften your interlocutor, and then your message does not acquire the response. For instance, only that you talk with someone about your interests and hobbies, then you legitimately can remember a story related to your past life, like tell us about how a child addicted to writing poetry.
Selecting an episode from your childhood - it is also very difficult moment. The main thing that this episode was quite funny and not boring. Best of all, if you tell a story in which you look ridiculous, even absurd. Then the other person imbued to you great confidence. For example, if you're talking about his enthusiasm for poetry, it is appropriate to read a few lines of your "early" work. If you can laugh your buddy, or at least make him smile, he will hardly give you a "tiny" request.
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