It is difficult to admit, but there are times when we are ashamed of their own children or feel very uncomfortable because of their antics and spontaneous behavior, lacking the pale. We go in the elevator: I, son (about four years) and solid man. Son curiously examines a stranger. And then like a bolt from the blue:
Mum, why did my uncle's so big ears?
Though simple, even fall! Fortunately, we have already reached the first floor. The man silently walked out of the elevator. And I tried to explain to your child that all people are different and ears, respectively, are different, too. I was very uncomfortable in front of this man. I burned with shame. I think many know this disgusting feeling when you want to sink into the ground. The child also was not ashamed. Of course, as he said this issue is not to "offend my uncle, and to satisfy their own curiosity.
Likewise, he would ask: "Mom, why grass is green?" Offended adult could even seem that the child is ill bred. And he's just exploring the world around him, and he is interested in absolutely everything. So here you ashamed? It's quite natural, it's childish . With age, this naturalness and authenticity is lost, hiding behind the tact, manners or hypocrisy. We are afraid to offend a person of his candor, we are afraid that we deem indifferent, greedy, rude and boorish. So maybe this is nothing like our complexes, prejudices? And let's not filled with paint, if your child is telling the truth.
Of course, the key question is how adults respond to children's ability to ignore the truth of life in its purest form. Blush for a child or calmly to dramatic statements? And maybe listen to the candid opinion of the child? I had a chance to become the object of interest of a child. Succumbing to the influence of fashion, I repainted the hair platinum color. Literally every other day I heard on the street phrase baby facing in my address:
-Mom, look, the old lady goes.
Mom, shy, pulled down her child and said loudly:
-This is a young aunt!
What kid thoughtfully added:
-And an old woman looks like ...
Children speak out from the heart, for they see it and say. Not for nothing there saying: "Lips of infant verb truth." In my case, sorting bleaching hair was obvious! I listened to the opinion of the boy and chose to continue to more natural shades. But not all adults take candid style of communication of young children. There is a category of people who feel compelled to adore kids and adults perceive any statement in his address as an insult, to which must be answered. And when meeting with people like my mother has to defend not only her child but herself.
-Awful upbringing ... - gasp at the store.
The child walked around the queue and shouted my mother:
-What are you standing there, come here!
Mom in the tail queue patiently holding a basket of groceries.
The kid sighs and goes to her with the words:
-What a naughty mama!
Mom begins to explain to young creation, that all the rules of the queue have to stand in the end. Realizing the essence, the child is not a bit embarrassed. But the adults clearly rage of insolence little man breaks all the rules, invented by adults. And how did they start to get angry when the baby, understand the principle of a queue are satisfied with it at the exit of the store, blocking the path of the cart. Not out of spite, but to work off their knowledge! Children are very honest and at their own expense. I watched the scene as one of three madcap burst into bitter tears on the playground, not wanting to go home. His mother, apparently accustomed to such scenes, there was a bit further, showing readiness to quit. Suddenly, my four-year old son ran up to him and says:
"You howl, howl, and wipe tears properly. It should be like this sleeve, and you trash his fists, his hands are nasty wet.
He paused for a moment, switched to a new way of wiping slezok and continued his public appearance with new vigor. Son returned to me, and we continued to walk. A minute later I asked him:
-Do you when are you crying about what you think: how you feel bad or how to wipe tears.
-H-at-a ... how to wipe. This is also frustrating when you cry, and his face and hands are wet - frankly answered the child.
By nature, the child speaks much more than an adult. A child of five to seven years there egocentric speech: the more often a child speaks as if thinking aloud to himself, and he never asked whether he understood, because he is talking, not thinking about others. His speech only becomes similar to adult speech, when he is directly interested in is to be understood, and it already - socialized speech: the exchange of information, criticism, orders, requests, threats, questions, answers. Around the age of eight children formed a speech in which children begin to fully understand other people and explain to them some words.