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Children three years

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Children three years

Your child will soon be or already was three years old, and you do not know: He was a quiet and obedient child, and now plays up, argue, become stubborn and intractable. This is a natural process, the result of what your child begins to realize his own self, ceases to identify himself with his mother, feels his independence and uniqueness. At this moment there is a so-called "semizvezdie crisis three years."

Children's negativity - when a child refuses to do something just because it suggested that adults ("I do not want, I will not"). That is, the kid does not refuse to do something, but generally rejects any designation or request by an adult (does only because he asked about it). For example, a child wants to go for a walk, waiting for the usual time walking. Mom says: "Let's go for a walk." The kid replies: "I do not want." Mom offers to stay at home and the child is upset and crying because it really really wants to walk around and goes contrary to his wishes. kids three years for the first time show "adult" behavior, where the implementation of immediate direct desire to be postponed.

Stubbornness - when a child insists on something because it is demanded. This is also done in addition to the child's wishes. He froze on the walk and would like to be home, where he has been summoned. But the kid replied "no" and will repeat it, however much it may persuade, as insisted on its original demand. Stubbornness is different from the insistence that accompanies the desire of the child, what he wants.
Kick - the desire to insist on their own, a protest against the standards of education, lifestyle, old toys - all that was before the crisis of three years. "Oh!" - Says the child, it all unhappy and does not agree to do what he always did before or at the request of an adult. Freethinking - the desire for independence. Now, everything (even the fact that obviously does not work and never will) a child makes himself: "I am myself!" The protest - the behavior of the baby begins to resemble the announcement of military action against relatives and associates, he was constantly in conflict and quarrels.

Depreciation - the child begins to swear in his speech there words that mean something bad. They are actively applied to objects, actions, which are themselves nothing bad or negative can not be held.

Despotism (if a child in a family) or jealousy (if they have brothers or sisters) - baby requires strict compliance with his wishes. He seemed to be returning to an earlier age, when he was a "master of the situation (for example, could not speak, but if he burst into tears, and her mother immediately tried to find out what he wants, and eliminate the cause of grief).

Adults at this point must be patient and help your baby. It is not necessary to insist, to be categorical may beat the current conflict situation in the game show a child how to express their intention and desire differently. Excessive strictness adults can lead to hysterical fits, try to defend against a negative assessment boasting non-existent achievements. A kid can become indecisive and timid.

Should be within reasonable limits, to encourage activity and independence of the baby, as well as attentive to his achievements (in time to praise, rejoice in the fact that he has come out), be encouraged to further action. Love and understanding, patience and attention, respect for the individual young person needed at this time for your child.

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