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Children with behavioral problems

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Children with behavioral problems

Children with behavioral problems are often aggressive. The child is aggressive with some it does not like the surrounding objects, animals, people (children or adults), etc. First of all you need to understand the reason for aggression. Sometimes we see what he is trying to protect against intrusion into their inner world, imposed by his actions and that he carefully protects itself from being destroyed from the outside, that contacts with the outside world for him hard and really dangerous because of possible stress.

Our first step - how to move away, move away from the child, gradually and cautiously reaching out to contact him. We did not break its stereotypes, and try to expand them, be very careful introducing new elements. It happens that the child's behavior, strictly speaking, are not even aggression, because there is no internal aggression. Then this is for the child only a game. It is worth to build up work with the child, give it new forms of interaction through play, through joint activities - and gradually become aggressive acts are not only available to him and not the most effective way to communicate with the world and its people.

In such cases, the teacher must be powerful enough. Such a child usually feels well, who is stronger and who weaker than him. To avoid becoming a victim of aggression, an adult enters the system of restrictions, preventing the aggressive actions of the child. The ban, punishment leads to a weakening or even nullify the aggression against an adult. Our next step - to give the child other ways to raise his mental tone, improving your mood, such as drawing, music, dancing, outdoor games, design, modeling, etc. At this stage the child requires individual work. Inclusion in the group may only after it becomes available in some kind of creative activity.

Like the previous case, we consider aggressiveness as a form of craving: a child is afraid of punishment, fear of anger adult, but aspires to this experience, causing his own aggression reaction from others. However, in this case, we do not have to emotionally react to aggressive actions, because punishing the child, we are confronted with the fact that aggression is not only not waning, but even stronger. This is a very important aspect of correctional work in those cases when we consider the aggressiveness of a desire for punishment. Not supported by the actions of the child, not reacting to his usual manner, we can help him get rid of the stereotype of behavior.
In this case, the child simply manipulates others through their aggression: it helps him to "win" the surrounding space, cause of other people desired actions. This form of aggression is manifested only in the group, in the presence of other children. And then it is expedient to correct the child's behavior is on group rather than individual lessons. What specifically in this case makes a teacher? The basic principle - to give the child to realize their leadership tendencies, but not through the aggressive acts.

You can solve this problem by making the child responsible for some important matter: for example, instructing him to prepare the room for classes, watering flowers, etc. It is necessary to give a positive assessment of his actions. Punish the same can be only if we have a trusting relationship with him. As a rule, we want to reduce aggressive tendencies in the child. However, there are occasions when the aggression just to call, and we rejoice when a child starts using aggression to defend, directing their actions outside, but not for themselves.


Self-injury - the most difficult problem of those encountered often enough. Children with behavioral problems , low mental tone for which the method of self-defense in the form of aggression is not possible, direct the aggression on himself, defending himself from a bad impression from the outside. To improve the mental tone of a child, we use music, games with water (fill the bath water paint in different colors, changing the pressure in the shower, doing "Waterfalls", "Fountain", admits the boats), playing with candles (kids love to look at a burning candle - we serve it in different colors and shades, etc.). The main thing - not to frighten the child an unexpected action, so everything happens very slowly.

When samoogressiya expressed very strongly, we try to translate it into aggression, ie, create a new stereotype to make it more robust than the first. There is another option: to eliminate the circumstances that caused the child's self-injurious behavior (they can be too close contact, inadequate requirements, frightening sounds and objects, etc.). As a rule, you should provide the child himself, not to enter into contact with him. When the teacher sees that, not wanting to continue the dialogue, the child directs the aggression on yourself, you can show them other, more appropriate ways out of contact. In this case, an adult playing a kid in front of the stage, presenting as a model for their own behavior in a similar situation: "I do not want any more, I will not go away!", Etc.

The hardest to cope with self-injurious behavior in children with low intelligence, because they are very difficult to introduce new patterns of behavior or expand old ones.

Sometimes in a stressful situation for a child (a lot of fuss, new faces, new unexpected actions) of self-injury can be removed, explaining to the child that is now happening. In this case we must try to survive emotionally, say along with him what was happening, and then try to get him in more familiar surroundings and do a pleasant and familiar task.
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