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Children with difficulties in communication

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Children with difficulties in communication

Some children reluctance to talk comes as a result of improper upbringing and the formation of a child is too over-estimate. Sense of their own exclusivity can encourage your child to think that other kids just are not worthy of his communication, or to recognize him as a leader. Such behavior is not welcomed by other children because of what a child is placed in isolation. Therefore, too opinionated child or refuses to communicate, taking the position: "I do not want it to communicate with them" or simply rejected by their peers.

Sometimes children with difficulties in communication have undiagnosed disorders of speech, intellect, emotional and volitional. Such children clearly need timely assistance of specialists who will help them learn to communicate. On the other hand, is often masked by shyness in children under deliberately emancipated, sometimes cheeky style of behavior. If you see five or six toddler behavioral problems: when strangers kid breaks, ape, random giggles, which distorts the words - you know, this child develops self-consciousness, fear of communication translates so here neadekvatnymobrazom.
Growing up, these children, trying to get rid of dependence, can get into a company where all its members behave in a free, liberated, drink alcohol, make extensive use of profanity. Thus, the desire to get rid of shyness can lead to the fact that the behavior of a shy child is transformed into a deviant. Sure, shy children in need of psychological help and support of, or in the future he may suffer because of their problems.

Studies have shown that children feel shy negative qualities of the individual. It was also established that, as a rule, children do not notice the shyness of his parents, but at the same time perfectly recognize it in others, not so close - in school buddies, teachers, friends. This is partly due to the fact that parents act in the family to children as an authority and simply do not give a reason to learn about their shyness, and partly - shyness in the eyes of children is a negative feature, and parents, in their view, serve as role models and can not have negative qualities.

At the same time, it became clear that the mother is very easy to recognize in their children shyness, while fathers, especially nezastenchivye not very sensitive to such qualities of personality. There is an interesting pattern - shy fathers very keen eye for the nuances of behavior from their shy children, while in relation to nezastenchivym children, this sensitivity disappears. In adulthood, sometimes shy people hide their shyness in the guise of merry-wit, so that others can not guess what this man constantly plagued by worries and doubts. Sometimes such people incessantly talking, or not stopping, pour one-liners and jokes. Such behavior is typical shy extroverts - those people are well aware of her shyness and make every effort for its elimination.

Shy people do not like to admit in his shyness, even close ones, try to avoid talking about his personality, thus further closed in on themselves and not giving others the opportunity to understand and see its positive aspects. Shy people can not act as leaders in any sphere of activity, in contrast to the bold, strong-willed people they absolutely do not need power over people because they do not know how to properly dispose of it.

There is a kind of shyness, how shy in front of himself. Such people can not give the impression of shy, they clearly know what the society wants to see them, and make every possible effort to please others. This is mainly extroverts, because of their dedication they can achieve great success in life, high pass through the ranks and even become famous. These people spend a lot of force to achieve their goals, think through everything in advance, calculate, plan.

Unfortunately for them, like shy people, setting a goal too high, can not enjoy success, even a very significant if they were below expectations. Sometimes the behavior of these people is regarded by others as arrogant and callous, and no one would think that in fact this person is not confident in myself and my abilities. High self-control these people, their ability to control himself, and the habit to keep secret their feelings and thoughts do not admit that this person can suffer from feelings of inferiority, however, many famous people, having reached a certain size, are recognized that often have worries and doubts related to self-esteem.
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