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Children with severe speech disorders

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Children with severe speech disorders

When communicating with children bezrechevymi word "say" should be excluded categorically. It is unacceptable to require such child: "Tell me repeat ..." should be immediately to convince the parents: no one can say legless: "station". In non-verbal child 4-5 years, almost always there are problems of the energy plan: either he is hyperactive, always somewhere to run, or, conversely, extremely inhibited. In the first case of a child's life in the group should be organized in such a way that it gradually calmed down, eliminating as much as possible, all sources of excitation.

In the second case - on the contrary, it is necessary motor stimulation. In this case, may use technical equipment: swings, rocking chairs, revolving chairs. If possible, it is useful to ride on horseback. In extreme cases you can simply take the child into his arms and spinning with him in waltz time. If it is not cover the full horror, then in the right direction for further work with him found - and after a while he was lying on the shoulder of an adult, like a bag, gently purring under his singing, and then the child is usually much stronger vocalization. You can still put a child in a rocking chair, or to drag him across the floor.

The next step in the "energy saturation" of the child - the music, she always used. Music classes remove or reduce the child's control over his speech - non-verbal child, imitating the singing children and adults involved in the process of singing. Music perfectly stimulates and refines listening, developing melodies of speech. On music lessons can be solved and the problem of forming spatial concepts, and issues of coordination of movements. We have repeatedly observed a blockade of speech "erupts" with the music.

To communicate important an accurate understanding of the child addressed to him talk. With good intelligence, a lack of understanding of words a child fills a comprehension of the situation, emotions and gestures. Need to develop an orientation to the word in its exact meaning. Work on understanding speech occurs in all classes, especially in motor and speech therapy, as well as lessons in manual labor.

When movement therapy in the space of the playing hall is located as if the big world: forests, fields, rivers, the child comes into this world and exploring it. Children with severe speech disorders are traveling: crawling on his stomach and on all fours, "float", "fly". If you came to an end "river", we stop, if ahead of the "mountain", we go up. All this is said and done: the rag - is the sea, once Chair - Mt. These classes define the rhythm and pace - something that can be adjusted precisely to the motor classes. In addition, many of these children violated feeling of his own body in space - to the extent that the child sits by the chair or do not fit in the door. Motor exercises to help cope with these problems.
To update the lessons of vocabulary is very important to practice reading. Usually we send children to school have already read, sometimes fluently. Work on the understanding of grammatical forms begins with the first stages of correction. With some children preferred to begin to engage in small groups consisting of two or three children. This allows the teacher to see whether the child is ready to engage with other children, whether he is in a relatively large number of people. In any case, it is mandatory that at some stage the child was among their peers. Group - this way of mutual positive impact, and we have it usually be completed, based on the temperaments, needs, speech capabilities of children. Group with the participation of autistic children should be small, otherwise the autistic child in the class usually does not retract.

Two approaches to the correction of speech development

In defectological practice was necessary to observe children 4-5 and even 6 years with a relatively intact understanding of speech and with the full (or almost complete) lack of expressive speech. The usual method of studying with such a child defectologist tries to increase his vocabulary, memorizing him word for word. The results of these studies is usually small.

Known and the other approach outlined EF Sobotovich in the book "The formation of correct speech in children with motor alalia. In this paper we propose a method for stimulating speech, based on the development of emotional child. Studying and developing the capabilities of this approach, we found that the use of music in a specific way is very helpful to stimulate it. So we came to music therapy, a development-oriented speech.

Objectives stimulation speech music may be different:

- Remove or reduce the arbitrary control of the child for his speech (singing, especially a group so captivates the child that he has ceased to keep track of, as he says);

- Increase the overall activity of the child, including emotional lift and muscle tone;

- To involve non-verbal child in the process of singing by imitating the singing children and adults.

General principles of construction activities

In music lessons should be involved a group of children and at least two adults: one - for the instrument, the other - with kids in the hall. In addition, the lesson may participate assistants, their number should match the number of children who require individual attention. It is desirable that part of the group were speaking children. If this is not possible, you should increase the number of adult participants. Session should take place in an atmosphere of high emotion, to inspire children - then they will sing with gusto. This requires that all adults with enthusiasm courses and also worked with pleasure. Only then teachers will be able to "infect" your mood children.

The question arises: why telling children to "work" on non-verbal? We are confident that the joint occupation of useful topics, and others. For all participants there is a sense of wonder, when silent until the child begins to speak, and it is experienced as a total victory and children, and adults. Strong joint experience has a positive impact on children, it is similar to the experience of players of one team for his companion.

Music lesson - it is not simply a sequence of exercises, this whole dramatic action in which all elements are related and share a common rhythm. Construction of classes depends on what the children involved in it and what problems should be resolved at this point. For example, if a group is present the child with fears or impaired communication, and it must engage in common action, work begins with a calm, quiet muzyki.Deti listen to the melody, imperceptibly changing from one game to another. Gradually, the intensity of action accrues, the children actively incorporated into it (singing, playing musical instruments).

Each class must necessarily include movement to music with different rhythms. It is necessary that the child entered the world of music, heard it, and thus knew or remembered that a variety of musical rhythms correspond to different types of motion (under the march of the children go under the whirling waltz, etc.). After this, the children sit semi-circle around the piano and sing some songs accompanied by the playing of other musical instruments (at different stages is useful to begin with the singing of). It is also important to allow children to surrender to the power of rhythm, for example, when playing on the noise instruments (maracas, clappers).

Culmination of the lessons - this time round dance tantsy.K have all children take part in the action, even the most "detached" animated and involved in the overall dance. It was at this time, the child can begin to do things that did not work before: the utter new sounds and words, to update already spent. Terminates employment, as well as started, quiet music or igroy.Imenno the rhythmic organization of classes is the main role of the music therapist.
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