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Childrens Needlework

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Children's Needlework

Developing the intellect of a child, we forget that you can create not only a head, but his hands. Junior Needlework can make your baby not only skillful but also happy. Especially, if you find yourself next to it. What causes intellectual work? Most of us throughout the day thinking, decisions, work with information, people and conducts analytical studies. We have learned to work my head, but forgot how to do it by hand. Manual labor is becoming less popular, are replaced by intellectual labor. According to psychologists, this leads to disharmony of the individual and as a consequence of depression, hypersomnia, or, conversely, insomnia. Our body asks, even demands for harmonious development, but we did not heed. We, the adults, but not our children. Let's take for them to watch.

Give your child paper, brush, glue, scissors, clay, and he always will do. Of a piece of cardboard out different faces. From the remnants of clay - colorful animals, children's tableware. Mom nameshivaet salty dough. And now boys and girls, tongue hanging out, sculpt works of art: candle holders, Christmas decorations, gifts, which are then baked in the oven. Let's try to complicate the task. Thread, needles, crochet hook, knitting needles - to choose from. The main thing is that the child is seen from the mother's arms after another manipulation of crochet hooks comes a beautiful scarf, hat or gloves. I want! - Hold, my friend. Mother does not have to force, persuade, convince the kid how useful to be able to sew or knit. She does not need to explain yourself and your child that fine motor skills useful for brain development. Makes it, makes the child, imitating her actions. Children are happy to knit, mold and paint. They will enthusiastically help my father build, cook and mother ... While not go to school.
One-sided education

Is it the school discourages children hunt for manual labor? It turns out that way. The focus of modern education makes the acquisition of knowledge. Children are given information and taught to work his head, oblivious to the fact that development must be comprehensive. As a result, children simply do not see the point in knitting, sewing, origami, making small gifts, dear hearts and grandparents. Today, all this magnificence can be bought at every corner, so the children and do not understand why make an effort to learn how to do something with their hands. The school only convinces them of this, putting the schedule lessons and crafts for the last place and forgetting (or not thinking) that the needlework is valuable not only the opportunity to have a house a home-made thing. It gives a person a lot of useful skills, reveals his talents.

Pluses needlework

1. The ability to bring the matter before the end of

Hardly anyone would argue with the fact that this is one of the most important skills in life. How to shape it helps Needlework? Very simple: before the eyes of the baby passes the entire process of creating things. From the coil and the first loop of thread to the finished scarf. From paper and glue to the colored boxes for different things. Of water and salt until baked in the oven and decorated Christmas toys. A child can not only imagine what will be the next creation, but also participate in the process of its creation.

2. Productive leisure

As we know, the best holiday - a change of activity. TV and computer games do not provide food for the child's development, they only supply its next, as a rule, already known information. During this "rest" a child (as well as adults) almost does not learn, and therefore its development is slowly but surely inhibited. Needlework same changes our brain in a more simple and at the same time, creative activities. What will be the odd job? And its color, shape? How it will look at this place home? Is it too big it is? Will it be functional, barring the hole in the wall, or there will be only a bright picture, gift for your favorite mom?

3. No problem with gifts

After all, they can always be done by hand. Parents, supporting the passion of the child gradually share with him the idea that a work of art - is not only something strange, cobbled together from various pieces of plasticine and gladly accepted my grandmother just because it was made her grandson. It is also a valuable thing, for the manufacture of which requires diligence, time, effort, patience, punctuality, respect, which may appeal to many people and even have some value in monetary terms.

4. Antidepressant

Needlework has an amazing ability to stop the passage of time, giving the opportunity to quietly reflect, unwind from the stresses of the modern world, in which the child plunges from birth.

5. Positive attitude to the world

And of course, children's crafts taught to look at the world positively, so that the little person learns to edification, and not destruction and their own experience to understand how much effort is required to ensure that doing something worthwhile, and how easy it is to destroy everything. So why does the presence of so many obvious advantages needlework is in the back of the school and is considered as something useless, outdated, underutilized?

Mistakes parents

Parents think Needlework - non-prestigious job. They can not make a living! Why spend time on what can be bought on the cheap? Engage in such a case is not serious! Familiar, dear parents? Ever-crocked, wishing to earn all the money in the world, we forget that children learn to life with us. But we can not only pay for schools, kindergartens, buying expensive toys and read morality. We can make children more valuable gift - to demonstrate their relationship to the world. Starting with the children to create small works of art, you can give them your attention, affection, life experience.

More recently, Helen does not know how to crochet. She was not interested in glue, cardboard, colored paper. All of these materials for needlework remained somewhere in the distant elementary school. And when my daughter came to her with a request to teach her to knit, she was puzzled. The work of the chief accountant did not give the time and desire to do something else. Coming home, she literally fell from exhaustion, she barely had the strength to communicate with her daughter. But, having decided that except for her daughter to teach knitting nobody, she went to the store for a thread and a hook. Fingers did not obey, the loop did not want to turn in the open stud, but his fingers slowly over the years, remembered the forgotten skills. My daughter has closely followed the mother and repeat all her movements.

First Elena mastered scarf for myself, and daughter Marina - a scarf for your favorite doll. A little later, wanted to tie his hat and mittens. By the summer it appeared that she could not find a stylish bag to orange blouse. Decision came the self - the bag can be connected. Daughter by this time learned to knit colorful covers for mobile phones and bestowed their grateful relatives. And the beginning of the school year has brought to the family of Helena a new hobby. Along with Marinko they were glued beautiful boxes for pencils, pens, paper. Friends and acquaintances came to see. Her friends envied: "One hand does not reach, and children are not interested." Marina smiled in response and told me that six months ago did not know how. Now she always has time to communicate with his daughter, the work has ceased to be a burden in the morning a great mood, and the house is filled with colorful things its own production, as the sun ...

You also do not know how to do hands? Did you forget something that you were taught to mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers? So start right now! A few hours a week will turn his apartment into a workshop for the cutting and sewing, knitting or designing. So you can compensate for the lack of attention to your child gained in recent years. It is clear that a child receives, but what you get, wasting precious time? The same thing that he did. And much more: comfort, calm nerves, sound sleep and a lot of useful life gizmos. It is not excluded and that you will enjoy crafts so that becomes your calling. Who knows ...
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