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Choose a guy on the color of his clothes

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Choose a guy on the color of his clothes

Of course, it is desirable that the first steps towards meeting makes guys. But in modern society is no longer the most shameful girl start dating. How do I know whether to get acquainted with this or that guy? And, in general, where better to do it? These issues can torture you to infinity, the only way to find answers to them - is to act!

Where to start? Of course with you! You should look first and foremost, so what would you most like, it will give you extra confidence. But the nuances of your appearance will depend on where you're going to go "hunting". To meet your destiny you can, anywhere - it could be a nightclub, and a park and a restaurant! The main attitude and willingness to learn.

By the way, a good place for singles can be a men's clothing store. Here you can already do some reporting on the pick-me guy. For example, watch the colors of the clothes which selects your "goal", you'll be able to draw conclusions about the type of his personality.

It has long been known that the color of clothing a couple can tell a lot about a person's character. So, the man picks up things for himself blue colors: this says about his ability to empathize. This man needs to trust and friendly feelings, it is slightly closed and shy. Blue - the color of sky and water, a symbol of loyalty and deep feelings, it is likely that this type of men capable of them.

Preference for brown color other - it is a sign that a man is inclined toward conservatism. Often, the color preferred by those who lack home comfort and warmth, these people value family, home and friends.
Despite the fact that most people perceive associative pink color, as a female, yet the pink shirts enjoyed considerable popularity among the stronger sex. Such men are to some extent, expansive, self-centered, they are often in need of tenderness. This is a romantic nature with a sense of style.

Those who fills up your wardrobe with clothes yellow color, are intellectuals with a well-developed intuition. Men of this type knows his own worth, they have high self-esteem. Such men are able to show their best qualities in various spheres of life.

Preference for green color give those guys in the nature of which provide persistence that borders on stubbornness, orderliness and some stealth. This criticism, which suppress the other with his authority. They are always ready to help others, even from that they themselves will have to sacrifice something. Green - the color of youth, hope, and he carries a considerable charge of energy.

Purple color choose emotional man, it is art lover with a high sense of aesthetics. Many of them are able to negate any conflict in their environment, they have the talent to achieve harmony and harmony around you.

Secretive, careful men usually dress in gray . Due to its insecurity, they always want to control everything. This color is neutral, neither black nor white, so those who prefer it to say that they are unlikely to be able to bright colors in a relationship.

White clothes signal that the guy wanted to join the new relationship, start a new life. This desire can greatly facilitate your acquaintance.

Fans of black often suffer because the lack of something very important for myself, this color they are trying to fence themselves from all forms of foreign influence. Black prefer elegant, enigmatic man.

Any new acquaintance - it's always interesting adventure. Discover her boyfriend, draw conclusions, and simply enjoy a relationship! 
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