Chrysanth martyrs and Daria
These holy before his marriage to agree among themselves to lead a life holy and faithful to God.
Ugodnitsy of saints of God, Martyr Chrysanth and Darie! Fought a good podvizavsya on earth vospriyali in heaven a crown of righteousness and His is the Lord has prepared for all those who love Him. Wherefore the holy vzirayusche your way, rejoice in your glorious end of the residence and chtem your holy memory. You, standing throne of God, prayer Take our merciful God and to bring about pardoned us, every sin and help us to become anti wiles of the devil, yes izbavlshesya of afflictions, diseases, disasters and misfortunes, and all evil, piously and righteously shall live in the present Weeze and vouchsafed predstatelstvom yours ashche and unworthy esmy, see the benefit to the land of the living, glorifying Edinago in his saints slavimago God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.