Classic indicators of natal astrology divorce
• Uranium kakimlibo way connected with the seventh house: either as the ruler of the seventh house, or as being in aspect to the ruler of the seventh house.
• Strong natal aspects Uranus on the map. Uranus planet selfish. He wants everything to happen as he wants, so the man with the powerful energies of Uranus can be a difficult period, during which he must understand that it should be done to restore a relationship.
• Venus, Mars or the sun in a tight natal aspect (square solution or opposition) to Uranus.
• natal Sun in quadrature with the Moon.
• Natal Venus in quadrature with Mars.
• Rulers of the first and seventh houses form a square the natal each other.
• Impact of strong natal Pluto, no doubt, can initiate a power struggle. The effect of strong natal Neptune indicates deception and self-
• deception. Powerful Uranus pushes people to the freedoms and opportunities to live as he desires. Here are some other factors to consider when determining the possibility of divorce. Uranium in any way, form or variant, usually associated with divorce. Pluto breaks down and recovers, and Neptune blurs, but Uranus or Aquarius break free and willing to do things his own way. Such a person does not want to embarrass myself. Rarely when someone gets divorced without activating the patron difficult duties of Uranus, and this activation will manifest itself to the correct time and in the natal chart and progressions and transits. Divorce, too, somehow must be reflected in the seventh house, or be associated with the seventh house or the ruler of the seventh house.