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Clothing gait and demeanor

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Clothing, gait and demeanor

You can be dressed better than many of his friends will give you can be dyed and combed in the best lounge in a better stylist, but nothing but this, to not be noticeable. So how does, in fact, become a special, apart from the crowd personality? The appearance of any woman, there are several features that make it not like anything special and unique. This is clothing, gait and demeanor . It's time to try to understand your own character and choose a character clothing, to evaluate their behavior and learn why people from you "not crazy". So, if you did not get on the nature of the long legs, do not despair - short legs indicate such traits of your character as a calm, self-confidence, lack of inclination to empty dreams and the presence of a realistic world view.

You are able to correctly solve almost any issue without too much hustle and bustle. You think and at the same time a strong man. You are not a hostage to the circumstances and not seek to alter life for themselves. The big plus of your nature is that you are able to change ourselves influenced by the changed circumstances and not make a tragedy of this life. You - a man of compromise, but in matters of principle firmly and confidently assert your views and beliefs. Men often lose when choosing long-legged. Owners of long legs - romantic and sentimental nature. Daydreaming in their blood. However, women with long legs, uncompromising and capricious, and fond of quarreling povyyasnyat relationship, when in fact they are attracted to the process itself, rather than the end result of the dispute. To convince long-legged woman is difficult and will require someone who decides on this, a remarkable resourcefulness and ability to argue and find a really good arguments, because without the evidence to convince a woman can not.

Have you ever analyzed how do you go? Did you know that by the way you go, the attentive observer can determine your mood and even thought? Happy women do not walk - they fly. And how do you stand? On your posture while resting standing can also tell a lot about your character and temperament.
You stand straight, put his feet together, toes and heel parallel. You - a highly practical and down to earth woman. You are tolerant and balanced. You are considered a great friend and my boyfriend. " However, you slightly remind boiled fish, scaring its stiffness and coldness. Loosen the collar! Give yourself to breathe freely.

You love to stand, leaning on one leg, and another slightly put forward? Well, you like to be able to hold the first and won the position, to draw attention to the person. Do you prefer to command, do not escape responsibility. You are a measure of the activity, you're really common sense and flexibility, not to go to extremes. You are confident and able to achieve great things.

If you like to stand like a man with his legs apart, you're just a man's assertive and uncompromising. You can not say to yourself "stop" and the time to abandon their ideas or plans, even if they lost their relevance. Should not be around to remind the reinforced concrete structure to be flexible and accommodating - not to lose.

If you usually cross your legs when standing, it says that you often display their active qualities - Gambling, ambition, dedication, inclination to adventure - to the detriment of the less bright, but more useful in human communication - patience, calmness and sobriety. You ought to sometimes stop and ask yourself: "What actually happens to me now how it's useful for me and my affairs?".

Resting seated, you put your leg over the other? You are - a confident and calm person, not giving vent to his feelings and knows how to calculate the moves a few steps forward. You can be proud of - there are not many.

If you're not sitting just put one foot to another and another and spinning them one with another, it means that you lack confidence, and you are trying to find support in itself. You are considered difficult to understand in-kind and a little "thing in itself." However, if you can get at least a little open, then it is possible that your natural rhythm and ability to find common language with literally all will be appreciated.

If you normally sit straight, straightened his back and his feet parallel, slightly ahead of putting forward, it means that you are honest and straightforward man, a little straightforward, however, in moderation. You are pedantic, try to restore order throughout, sometimes to the detriment of others. Should not be so zealous, there are a number of cases in which a light can only contribute to confusion rather than hinder their performance. Let myself go, if you ever want to commit any folly - life is so short, and not all of it can impose order.

Preferences in clothing

If you try to try to certain types of human figures geometric shapes, then we'll get five different mental and physical types, which differ considerably among themselves as to the constitutional plan, and on the principles, biases in the selection of clothing.

Ellipsoidal-type people, characterized by mobility, activity and passion for new experiences. Their distinguishing feature - impermanence in everything, whether it's musical taste or choice of clothes. Capricious and prone to selfish antics, ellipsoids are subject to bouts of laziness and all sorts of fears. Dress elegantly such people, they are not alien to a certain elegance to them all, so "everything was beautiful." Ellipsoids do not depend on the choice of clothing from public opinion, choosing dress accordingly mood and his own ideas about what is appropriate in any given situation. They are not devoid of taste, like to experiment with clothing, can become trendsetters in their own circle.

Square type. Decisive and energetic people. Their practicality and thrift already entered into a byword among people close to them. "Squares" - owners of nature, the most important thing for them - to be the owners of what no one else, and for possession of a valuable, from their point of view, the thing they are willing to fight with anyone. The clothes prefer strict classical style, nekrichaschie colors, natural fabrics. Appointment of clothing, in their view, is to protect the body from adverse environmental influences, and then meet the requirements of fashion and prestige. Practicality above all.

Triangular type. "Triangles" - unbalanced people. Their mood is changing faster than the weather in May - from the sparkling joy until gloomy despondency. By nature they are calculating and resourceful, but in a different way than the "squares". The clothes completely unpretentious - can pull themselves first thing that turned up under the arm, but manage to look pretty stylish, whether it be sports or a romantic ensemble. Do not accept the discomfort and stiffness in clothes. No way would not wear something that they do not like, even if it's trendy.

Round-type active and energetic people, but their shortcomings are touchiness touchiness. They are vain and ambitious, their ambition knows no bounds, they stop at nothing. Preference is given to comfort, not hampering clothes, like the romantic style fabrics from natural origin - cotton, linen, silk, warm calm tones - all this gives them a huge, almost sensual pleasure. Follow the fashion, but do not chase after her.

Conical type combines ambitious people actually seeing the world and ourselves in the world. Such people are outgoing and friendly, they are easy to deal with, they do not like chaos, seeking always to arrange everything in its place. "Cones" - lovers of classical music, but if circumstances so require, may be dressed for the latest fashion and look at it quite naturally. The clothes especially appreciate the ease of care, and these considerations are choosing fabrics with a high content of synthetics. Their favorite colors - the cold, almost winter palette: black, blue, gray, mauve and purple.
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