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Color talk about your emotional state

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Color talk about your emotional state

Yes, that color has a distinct psychological meaning. And this sense has long been seen by mankind. Think, by chance in the world in mourning paint only in two colors - black or white? Certainly not! Both the first and second colors are not the colors of life. They are outside the vitality - black symbolizes a complete stop, impermeability, irrevocably, the end of all white the same - cut off from the world, striving upward, where there is no place mortal body.
 Why fire all over the world riding on a red cars? The color of fire? But the fire is, and yellow and even blue (drinkers know what a "burning blue flame"). The answer is simple: red - the color of danger, activity, and blood. It is the color of the planet Mars, the color ordered, forced to run. And the infamous "yellow house"? Why yellow? Why not purple? Not red? Not green? Too, because pretty ... Yes, simply because the psychology of the bright yellow - no brakes, boundless freedom and joy.

Wherefore man matches the color of clothing, makeup or hair coloring in one or another color is guided not only (and not so much) guidance "that we are, but their subconscious feelings. That desire to paint in bright orange, despite the fact that my eyes were a piercing blue, and that's it! And just now I feel like the activity, I want to shake things up, I want to tear the whole hog and is very active - the color tells about your emotional state .

Or here's your girlfriend is quite unexpectedly radically change their style. That went all overdressed, bright as a canary, then suddenly yesterday at all the gray mouse dressed up, faded jeans some, ugly sweater and even hair discolored. What is it? Nothing. Just tired. Do not want to be noticed. Must rest. Typed forces - again appear bright colors, again will run the barbershop. Generally bright and vivid colors, especially the basic colors (bright red, pure yellow, sky blue, grass green), prevailing in the clothes of people say that this is one piece, alive and healthy at the root of nature, prefer to live full and active lives happily and well. Not for nothing motley wear bright clothes gypsy and oriental beauties. And although the European tradition is very wary of bright colors, but in the context of our culture can wear bright enough without the fear that others will turn to his temple with his finger.

Very well, if the color of your wardrobe are balanced and include all the colors of the spectrum. This is a sign of mental health and emotional well-being. However, more often we encounter situations where a man dressed dominates any one color. Well, with businessmen and officials is understandable. Instructed them to wear dark and bright, what to do! Just not going to judge employees of the internal organs of their murine form. Visionaries in the organs, despite the predominance in the form of blue, not so much. Let us gaze upon us mortals.

And yet look at the basic colors. Thus, the bright color - red. The predominance of red in clothing, hairstyle (even if not pure red, even with the wheels) said that the man is obsessed with desire for work, he lived passions. He can not sit at home. It is a challenge to society, a challenge to the opposite sex. This is a powerful erotic stimulus (in vain, that whether lights on the brothels did red?). If you would like dressed up in red, then it is time to be active, you want to plunge into the world of passion, you are tired of a quiet life. This is an aggressive color. This color, unexceptional. It is a sign of attack. This expression, the expression of feelings and emotions, usually rough and direct. Bright red lips - a sexy appeal.

Has a similar effect, and yellow, but the effect is greatly mitigated, and has its own specifics. Yellow means no cloudy joy, happiness and freedom. If you choose yellow, you are counter-boring business talk and talk. All that you can now - it's easy or non-binding flirt and have fun. Yellow does not tolerate trouble, but is not prone to daydreams. Yellow usually indicates carelessness intentions of the frivolity of nature who prefers this color. Therefore need to use it as cautiously and in moderation, as well as red. Yes, you will attract the attention of passing, but prolonged exposure will not count. The man who "pecked" at the yellow, would require just this - a short-term or non-binding pleasant pastime. And no dependencies, just freedom. Of course, settling down for a serious place or business contacts, yellow is strictly contraindicated.

Blue color - the color of visionaries. Indeed, this is the color of the sky. The man, who prefers blue or blue tones, a bit out of this world. He lives in a world of his dreams reserve, has a sophisticated nature, or simply he is now a romantic mood. Not necessarily that he will show to you attention. Maybe, just contact with you it is now interested in the least. Because he has at the moment there are more global ideas. For example, it would be nice if people were flying. Or if the anniversary of a rich relative would give apartment ...

The blue color rather aloof and cold. So do not expect from a partner in the blue heat of relations. Apparently, not in vain flight attendants and police ryadyatsya in blue. Blue promotes abstract thinking, and therefore "under the blue" you can solve quite complex tasks imposed on us life. For business meetings, usually dark blue suits are very nice, but for visits ... Remember the term "bluestocking"? I think that comment is superfluous. By the way, relaxing blue color very well, that his honor and in psychotherapy.

But the green, despite the association with tender leaves, the color pretty hard. He makes sure he brings to reality grounding. This color gives us the inner core, support. And at the same time, green is not as annoying as the red or yellow. Although any color can be annoying. And it's a sign that the quality of the color you are no longer needed, they are in overabundance, and it is time to balance the qualities of the opposite. Green is good for different situations. Especially if you use it many variations: from light green to pale-green bog. No wonder modern businessmen are increasingly choosing exactly green suits. However, on the green color in business relationships is better to forget: too much yellow in it.

Very nice brown. If your clothes brown prevails, it means that you strive for stability, to comfort, you want to simply have a good rest, eat a tasty meal and sleep soundly. And all sounding nonsense, such as extreme or empty dreams - not for you. You - home quiet man, the most important thing for you - comfort. Color is quite good for both parties, and for the work, as well as for business meetings. Do not strain, is a pleasant feeling of comfort, and somehow at once a man in a brown want to trust.

Achromatic color - black and white - are quite common. They say that they "go" to any other color. But by themselves, these colors are not too healthy information. For example, black can mean fatigue life, closeness of contact, a separate position, upholding its hysterical point of view and the rejection is no different. It is color - the wall color - the bastion. Not without reason the monks, shamans and fortune-tellers so prefer black: outside influences do not penetrate through the black, they eats them like a black hole.

From the man who prefers white, so it is difficult to agree on how and prefer black. But if you prefer black, all right then: We all live like - gray, uninteresting and quickly. Color discreet, nenadoedlivy, without any energy. Just black, and all. "Grey mouse" - that says it all. But in general, the color of a beautiful and versatile. What else do you want?
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