Colour Cup
King Cup Dionysus
Attitude to alcohol - the doctrine of Arkan. The ratio of this complex, like individuals and the society as a whole. The Company is carrying out an uncompromising struggle against the wine-making, cutting vines, on the contrary, alcohol is sold so that the "eyes would not look." And the quality of beverages sold often leaves much to be desired, hence - poisoning deaths.
Medicine has always belonged to alcohol cautiously. True, there are theories vinolecheniya, for example, some Georgian doctors advised to drink two liters of wine per day. There are other theories.
Wine, of course, the gift of the gods. Not for nothing on the field Arkan Greek god of wine and great fun Dionysus. But we should not abuse them.
Alcoholism - a disease caused by the systematic use of alcohol, characterized by an attraction to him. This leads to disturbances and mental disorders in general to the disintegration of personality.
For the first time the term "alcoholism" was used by Swedish doctor and philanthropist M. Goossen (1849). This term physician denote the set of painful changes in the organism under the influence of alcohol consumption.
Alcohol mistakenly believe that a stimulant, but actually it is a depressant. It dilates blood vessels and capillaries of the skin, which gives a feeling of warmth, which is mistaken for a burst of optimism. Alcohol relaxes the body and can lead to complete loss of control over the actions. Worst of all alcohol acts on the brain, nervous system, burning nerve cells and receptors. It destroys the entire stock of vitamins in the body. Alcohol abuse can cause bleeding in the brain, which often results in paralysis.
With alcohol you should be very careful: there is nothing beneficial to health, it destroys the body slowly but surely. Alcohol is especially dangerous for patients with heart failure. Here he hits without a miss, immediately - to target and kill outright.
Symbolic aspect. "With a cheerful crowd adorned with wreaths maenads Dionysus goes around the world, from country to country. He goes ahead in a wreath of grapes in his hand Tears, decorated with ivy. Around him in a quick circle dance, singing and shouting young maenads ... "- describes the mythology of Dionysus.
Divination aspect. At loss Arkan be wary: it indicates alcohol dependence. And it's dangerous. Limit consumption of alcohol, otherwise you could end up badly, including alcoholic psychosis.