Common barberry from the evil eye, damage
Barberry is used in cases where a house was got devil. Dry twigs of barberry mess up the room and crushed dry barberry fumigate the premises.
• Decoction of bark and leaves of the barberry is used to treat chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic stimulation and as an adjunct for the treatment of diabetes.
• The berries of barberry destroying effects of alcohol abuse, strengthen the heart muscle, and are used in neurasthenia.
• If the stones in the gall bladder and kidneys need to take a decoction of leaves and bark of plants.
• If the root bark of barberry cooked in wine or vinegar and apply to the liver, the tumor softened. If you cook in water and broth to make an enema, it will help with ulcers, which are available in the intestine.
• powdered root bark cancerous ulcers.
• tincture of the roots is used for hypotonic hemorrhages, as well as endometritis. Take on a 20-25kapel 2-3 times a day.
• Decoction of leaves and bark helps with rashes in the mouth, strengthens hair roots, sharpens vision, helps with inflammation of the eyelids.
• Decoction of fruits and leaves is used in hot form of palpitations.
• Decoction of bark and leaves much driving bile, crushed leaves as a medicinal dressing is applied to the hot tumor.

• Fruits strengthen the liver and stomach, quench thirst and help with haemorrhoids, decoction of leaves and bark quenches thirst, stops the burps.
• Flowers barberry clean face from scarring of the skin.
• Decoction of leaves and bark helps with intestinal ulcers and diarrhea old.
• The fruit of barberry is used to excite the appetite, as well as a choleretic, diuretic and improves blood circulation means.
• The infusion of leaves is used in malarial splenomegaly and liver disease.
It must be remembered that large doses of bark are poisonous.