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Common juniper from the evil eye damage

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Common juniper from the evil eye, damage

On Maundy Thursday the dry juniper fumigate the house to expel them from the evil forces. Dry juniper fumigate spoiled patients.

• Receive the morning on an empty stomach 2 3yagod juniper cured patients possessed.

• Attached to the hot coals, dry needles chase away snakes and snakes out of the house.

• When damage to the uterus, as well as infertility fumigate her smoke dried juniper needles.

• The crushed dry needles for different types of smoke damage.

• Broth needle rinse their mouths with periodontitis.

• When paralyzed patients bathe in the decoction of juniper branches.

• alcohol tincture berries derive warts.

• juniper berries infused in vegetable oil, used in the treatment of paralysis, neuralgia, and skin cancer.

• ground powder needles sprinkled painless sores, weeping eczema.

• Juniper berries, mixed with pork fat, help for chronic and venereal rash from scabies and depriving.

• Resin juniper helps hernia both outside and inside. It is harmful to the kidneys.
• Decoction of fresh needles taken in kidney diseases and sexually transmitted diseases. As part of the collection it is used in the lichen.

• crushed juniper berries sprinkled "wild meat".

• From binge grind growths on the branches of juniper, pour vodka and take a tablespoon.

• Inflammation of the kidneys take napar juniper berries, and fruits cure hemorrhoids.

• Fumigation Juniper expels the dead fetus from the uterus.

• If you do fumigation tree, help with chronic ulcers of the eye, will promote the growth of eyelashes.

• juniper berries to help with asthma, epilepsy and eliminate the nausea. They cause a woman's monthly, dissolve stones in the liver, expel the long and flat worms.

Juniper berries are contraindicated for pregnant women, they take the fetus from the uterus.

Acceptance of juniper berries in large quantities is harmful to the body, especially to the liver. They eliminate the harmful effects of barberry berries.
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