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Communicate with the subconscious

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 Communicate with the subconscious

There are several ways to communicate with the subconscious, giving quite good results, and you can use them in everyday life. Consider one of them. "The method of automatic writing." Of course, this is not the classic "automatic writing, when a man's hand writing something on paper, but he can at this time to talk about something else. It happens very rarely, and it is unlikely you need it. We will use a simpler version of this method. You ask yourself questions and consciously write on paper any emerging ideas. It is not difficult. As an example, consider how to use this method to identify your true desires.

Apply in this case will not apply to all subconscious, but only to the area, which is responsible for our success in quite earthly affairs and is interested in the prosperity of both soul and body. We call this part of the subconscious "Higher Self". From it you can get quite practical answers regarding our earthly desires and ways of achieving them. So, deal with the subconscious .

Exercise "My true desire and purpose"
To obtain the required information you need to here that.

♦ Prepare a piece of paper and a pen.

♦ Sit in a relaxed atmosphere at the table (turn off the phone, turn off the radio and television, to exclude an appeal to you to other people).

♦ Get a pen.

♦ Put your hands on the table, so you any time, without effort, and unnecessary movement could begin to write.

♦ Close your eyes, relax, stop the "race" thinking.

♦ Then, invite her to engage in dialogue "Higher Self" about the following words: "I invite you to a meaningful dialogue, my 'Higher Self. You're ready to answer me? I beg you to answer me these questions. "

♦ After that mentally begin to ask questions: "What are my true goals and desires? What I really need? What brings me joy and satisfaction? "

♦ You must then sit and wait, what thoughts (words, phrases and images) come to mind. No need to ponder your questions or convulsive squeeze answers from the subconscious. You simply sit and wait quietly until the head does not show up at least some thought.

♦ As soon as any thought, immediately want to open your eyes and write it down on a piece, then again to close their eyes and waiting for the next thought. Your subconscious is at normal setting will give you different answers 5-15 10-15 minute conversation with him. Not write with my eyes closed - and then will read nothing "

♦ All of a thought should immediately write, completely eliminating their assessment, analysis and comparison. In no case can during this process include "slovomeshalku and domestic criticism. Complete calm, confidence, and results will be on paper. Responses can be concrete, and may have the general form - record everything that comes to mind.

Your objective at this stage of interaction with his "higher self - not to judge, but only to record any thoughts or words, meaningless or even rugatelskie. Whatever popped into your head - do not worry, just write down these thoughts are often confused or single words on paper, once more mentally ask yourself the question and wait for responses. Writing 5-15 replies, you can return to normal state of consciousness (ie, the start logical thinking, criticism) and try to understand the writing.

It is possible that the information will be completely the same as your perception of yourself, and you get that and knew so well. This will be an excellent result, which indicates that you are actively using the tips of my subconscious, and he had nothing to give you more. But it happens that the responses received by automatic writing, much different from what you are accustomed to think about yourself. Do not rush to throw something with which you seem to disagree! Try to be like this a few days to reflect on the responses received. Maybe after a while you realize that the subconscious tried to give a completely new perspective on your life, to draw attention to something that you did not give a value or even carefully concealed from him. When performing this exercise it is important not to confuse your own mind with the voice of a fussy subconscious. Therefore: no internal discussions or evaluations, particularly at the initial stage of the method of automatic writing! Build a conversation with an internal person, if it occurs, can only be on the interview circuit: silence - a question - answer - silence ...

 Who to call

Then comes the second major phase of work - straight talk from your area of interest subconscious. Since no precise information about these fields do not exist, nothing prevents you to allocate it more necessary to you areas (divisions, departments). For example, you can assume that the subliminal is divided into following parts.

1.Vysshee J.

2.Oblast fears.

3.Oblast orders and negative programs.

4.Oblast responsible for the body and health.

5.Oblast responsible for business success.

6.Oblast responsible for the ability and training.

If desired, you can highlight in my subconscious, and other important areas to you. Usually it has no objection to this and willingly responds to any treatment.

 What can be learned

Subconscious - is yourself, so do not try to get through the subconscious information about other people (where there are, what they think, than get sick, etc.) - the response you get, but the reliability is very low. Repeated experiments on this subject have shown that the same question about another person (for example, "Why Masha back hurts?") Will receive as many different answers, how many people are involved in the experiment and treated with a request to my subconscious. These responses are almost never coincide.

They are very good information you can get on the causes of the emergence of the majority of your own illness. Do not get rid of them - on such inappropriate questions subconscious does not respond, because it is itself often a source of disease. You want to destroy what they themselves have built a long time? Hardly. That's the subconscious that does not want to destroy the disease that it has created you with the best intentions.

What is there to say "area of the subconscious that is responsible for health? About what exactly it is guided by good intentions, creating your illness. After establishing contact with the area you may ask: "Is there a positive meaning in the illness of a certain organ of your body?" And you can answer "yes". Next is to figure out just what kind of benefit you get from this disease. Each person has kindly set up assistant, always ready to help - is subconscious. The subconscious mind stores all our hidden beliefs, stereotypes of the program, resentment, fear and other installations with a single positive goal - to make our lives more peaceful and successful.
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