Communicating in a stress situation
In extreme situations, people behave differently. Someone will mobilize all its forces to achieve the best results, and someone comes to a screeching halt, closed, becomes unable to do anything. In life, a lot of situations in which have to operate actively to, for example, to perform work in a short time to survive the betrayal, resentment, betrayal, or to survive the crash. In a situation of stress, we also communicate, namely communication, support of others, mutual help to survive the stress and cope with the task.
In humans, stress, a well-balanced psyche and sustainable type of temperament as if called a second wind at the time of stress. They manifest qualities of leadership, even if in a normal situation, they did not have them, there is the ability to lead and manage. In dealing with such people in situations of stress is important to know one thing: do not shoot them down, try to change the course of action to propose to change tactics. For example, you have all the department a few hours before a major meeting to prepare a report: do not meddle with the leader of his advice, do not try to change the allocation of responsibilities, do not try to organize the opposition, suggesting a different course of action. You can run into rude, and quite deservedly so. In such situations, should heed the opinion of the leader may turn to him for advice. Any changes and innovations can only hurt the process.

People who do not cope with stress, in great need of support. If you feel the strength and willingness to help - then go ahead. Communicating in a stress situation Dolino be calm, do not fit a person in an emergency, these people can do to stop their work, throw a tantrum, and so you need to try to calm the person, explain to him that in this situation, every extra hands are very important, that thanks to his efforts, you will be able to cope with the task. Try to make him feel that the situation is not so extraordinary that it is completely normal. Do not expect nestressoustoychivogo active human decisions and actions, that he works in his usual pace, it will help him come to their senses, regain composure and, perhaps, overcome the fear of a stressful situation. The main thing - to persuade him not to sow panic in the team, or because of one man the whole team can succumb to fear before the upcoming issue. You will be able to convince him that, if returned to him a sense of self-confidence through sincere and quiet conversation.