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Companion for sex

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Companion for sex!

The series "Sex and the City" offered us a new type of relationship. The so-called sex for sex, without any moral obligations and aggravating sentiments. Quickly took root in Russia, sex without feelings become commonplace and prevalent. But just how promising such a relationship? In the early nineties, we all watched with delight one of the most beautiful erotic melodramas, "9 and a half weeks," the singer of a crazy passion. Probably not in the world girl does not dream of such a whirlwind romance.

And yet the question arises: whether such a relationship at least some long-term? And if the heart of your communication is primarily sexual intimacy, then do your novel is certainly doomed to exist no longer than 9 and a half weeks? Of course, the universal rules of love does not exist. But the mad passion is really very rarely develops into a lasting relationship or marriage. Typically, such communication ends as quickly and clearly how to begin, and one day mate sex ceases to be interesting. Why?

Yes, because the heroes of this novel are mostly bright opposites. Crazy drive brings together the romantics and skeptics, the extroverts from introverts, "right" people with crazy playboy. Initially, blinded by passion, people do not notice the glaring contradictions or differences in the nature of each other. They do not understand or refuse to see that next to them in their complete opposite. But this paradise, unfortunately, does not last forever.
Only together with the charm of novelty decay rose-colored glasses, people start looking at each other differently through the prism of resentment and rejection. "Why is he so blithely refers to the money?" - "And as I had not noticed that she was a miser?" - "Why is he so much smoke?" - "What does she tediousness?" Saw the light, you realize that next to you absolutely wrong to you people and the only thing you are compatible, so it's about sex.

Mutual carping quenched former passion. Pleasure from sex is gradually blunted. Differences in everyday life are gradually beginning to penetrate into your bed. Flash of mutual attraction is not flaring up the fire of love, or a reliable family home. You're lucky, if from your former passions flare up fierce hatred. Try to perform a miracle and make the novel a la 9 and a half weeks into something more promising, of course, you can.

But for this you have to tune in to gamble. Try to perceive their partner as a sort of half, which, although not like you, but it can perfectly complement you. In it you'll find all the things you do not have enough. For example, assertiveness, rationality, or, conversely, a certain nonchalance, the ability to not take life too close to the heart. But if you began to build a love of such a fragile material, such as sexual desire, pre-promise yourself that you will not re-educate your partner.

You are together just because you are different. And if you try to redraw it on your sample, your pair can collapse like a house of cards. But before we look at the prospect of a purely sexual relationship, think about it, so whether it is necessary to you? Maybe you are so good together just because you know: it did not last long, and therefore appreciate every minute we spent together.
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