Compatibility for Romance
It is interesting to note that Chinese astrology, romance compatibility and the rat are uniquely entwined. As a sign of the Chinese zodiac, the rat holds the distinction of being considered the very first one and as such it embodies a number of interesting qualities that at times appear to be mutually exclusive. For example, the rat is said to be the sign of a person who would be a naturally born conqueror or leader while at the same time such a person may very well be known for the violent temper he holds or the bigotry he embraces.

This of course has sometimes made it hard for a traditional Chinese matchmaker to entice a family to approve a union that would connect a rat to their ancestors, especially when within the ancestry of either family there were several violent or abuse individuals born under that sign. Indirectly related to the character traits of those sharing the zodiac sing of the rat are the tendencies for substance abuse and the chase after luck. On the flip side, since the sign of the rat is associated with highly respectable professions such as engineering, legal advocacy, and politicking, many a family has chosen to consider romance compatibility charts involving the rat quite favorably.

Those who put a lot of stock in Chinese astrology claim that rats - by their very nature - are loyal, but not romantic. This may spell disaster for both partners if the counterpart is not aware of the predicted idiosyncrasies of this sign. Of course, since the sign of the rat is heavily influenced by the five elements recognized in Chinese astrology, the stereotypical rat does not exist and these are more guidelines rather than hard and fast rules. To this end, a rat that is thought to be heavily influenced by water will act differently from one that is born in a year devoted to the element of earth.

Matchmakers looking to create a favorable connection for two families with the help of charts and maps frequently avoid certain other signs of the zodiac. Theories regarding Chinese astrology, romance compatibility, and the rat stipulate that the latter should not be matched with a person born under the sign of the horse, while the most auspicious pairing is with someone from the sign of the monkey. Other propitious unions include individuals born under the signs of the ox and the dragon.