Compatibility of temperaments
It's no secret that in addition to the similarities of character and moral values, to live together happily ever after, a necessary component of the Union is a harmonious blend of temperaments partners. Sexologists believe that the passion between the couple there is not more than three years, if by that time, partners do not have time to get used to each other, they had a common interest, and apart from their ardent feelings nothing more links - this pair will be very difficult for a long time to live together.
Creator of the theory of temperaments was Hippocrates, he believed that people differ by 4 main "juice" of life - blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. Later, a doctor of antiquity Claudius Galen developed the first typology of temperaments. Sanguine, flegamitik, choleric and melancholic, which means sanguis - "blood", phlegma - "phlegm", chole - "bile" and melas chole - "black bile." This concept is popular and well today.
So, if your partner melancholic, then we can say that you're in luck, because the wife of the melancholic are receiving appropriate and caring. True, they are quite vulnerable, and they just need occasional solitude and immersion in his inner world. These people are selfless, always willing to help.
If your partner is phlegmatic, you will need patience. This leisurely sensible person who would think ten times before you do something about it. At such a person can always be relied on, it's a true friend and partner.
If your partner is choleric prepare for a permanent change. Such a partner would seek your love and aggressively beautiful, but .. he never rests on its laurels. In his life must be a new vertex, which he will submit one after another. If you are willing to remain permanently a little mystery, a little unapproachable, unattainable - if this is your partner.
If your partner is sanguine, then get used to his superiority. It should always be in the spotlight at home and in the noisy company, anything he does should not simply be seen as causing a rapid delight. Despite the fact that he, like the choleric likes dynamics and trying to win as many peaks - unlike the first, sanguine succumb to difficulties. But if his support and praise from time to time - he will turn the mountain.
If we talk about combinations of temperaments, the principle of opposites at work here. Partners interested to be together when they can learn something from each other. For example, the choleric will be better with a phlegmatic, who will be able to restrain him at times. Melancholic sanguine very good support for his ability to empathize and compromise. These pairs of temperaments in many ways complement each other and even if there are any misunderstandings, they are perfectly cope with them.
Worse choleric combined with sanguine, relationships are too emotional and sometimes deprived of the love of common sense. Such a pair of worthless wood mangled. In this case, both do not want to stay on the sidelines, that is, in such an alliance issue of leadership is very serious. The combination of phlegmatic - melancholic, on the contrary too passive, with time partners Seize life and measured relations and they are not averse to search for something more interesting on the side.
By problematic alliances include a combination of temperament choleric - melancholic "and" sanguine - phlegmatic, despite the fact that these partners may initially go to each other, yet they are too different, a different rhythm of life, views on many things and so . etc. Choleric melancholic might hurt its sharpness, uncompromising. In a pair of phlegmatic sanguine, the second will not have enough attention to his person, as phlegmatic not too generous in terms of displays of affection.
Couples with similar temperaments also coexist in many ways, despite the fact that like people have a lot of similarities. Two phlegmatic and melancholic two can get along well with each other until they become very bored with each other. In such pairs must be on time to leave. In this case, more melancholic and touchy, but pliable and prone to compromise, this quality is not just to save their union.
Two choleric little chance to live happily ever after, for the simple reason that both straightforward and excitable, they find it difficult to stop in time in his statements and actions. Recriminations and insults, eventually, to break the union. The same can be said about the two sanguine. Excessive emotionality and desire for independence can destroy even the most romantic relationships.
In all successful alliances successfully, the principle of addition. If the partners complement each other, such a union would be fruitful. If partners are too different - they can not avoid confusion if it is too similar - eventually they get bored with each other.