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Complexes deprive you of happiness

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Complexes deprive you of happiness
Waking up in the mornings, we often delayed for several minutes at his reflection in the mirror. Think about wrinkles, problem skin, not to mention what too generously awarded us the nature, in the form of nose, ears or cheeks, for some reason, saving on the eyes and lips. What an injustice! And now spoiled the mood for the day, and the thought of external imperfections, is firmly seated in the head. Well, where are you, the joy of life?

Does not exist on earth perfect woman. Any one of us has a bunch of flaws, and goes with him through life. But that's just why one woman is full of fans, and the other alone? Why does a woman playfully breaks up and just playfully starts a new novel, and another over the years suffers from unrequited love, unable to "knock out fight fire? Why does a woman easily with the opposite sex, and men - with her while the other one problem?

This is not rhetorical questions - they have the answers. And it's not a happy fate. Their happiness and destiny we create for yourself. All a matter of self-esteem. The fate of a woman with low self-esteem is usually unhappy. What is really happy here, if the person himself does not appreciate? Or, assesses their appearance, personal qualities, abilities, opportunities and prospects are much lower than they deserve. Often the woman herself is not aware of that clearly underestimates himself. Low opinion of themselves apart from consciousness, is present in the view around the appearance and behavior. Other people feel it intuitively, and sometimes refer to such a consumer-women - they say, she do not need much, there's nothing to her ceremony. A woman, in turn, it seems that everything is okay, and deservedly so. Train of thought something like this: "How can I want something special for yourself, if everything in me mediocre? And appearance, and the nature and needs." Where did such a self-esteem to speak of the incredible luck and happy destiny? Everything seems to be that there is someone prettier, smarter, more deserving ... Yes, Russia is rich with beautiful women. So in fact, every woman is, the very beautiful! And if we talk about the exterior of the model, there is a good saying: "Even the most beautiful legs somewhere come to an end." So immediately discard all their thoughts about the external imperfections, and rise in his own eyes.

Sometimes a woman with low self-esteem casually refers to his appearance. It may in no case of carelessness, on the contrary, many of them are very neat and tidy. However, hair, makeup (if any), the style of clothing can be seen that they have a low opinion of themselves. And it's not a lack of time or money, just do not want a deal. But a woman who herself loves and appreciates - a special look, especially facial expression. In doing so, facial features play no role. Its appearance may be a lot of flaws, it is simply this is not fixed. Her motto is: "Oh what! And I imagine this like me!" And it is immediately felt. Well, when people like myself, you and everyone around him imbued with the conviction.

With such a man is easy to communicate, he is cheerful, optimistic and, most importantly, confident. In this process of communicating the mood of the other party is transferred and thus it is charging your positive emotions, and not arbitrarily observes: "What it's cute ..." And it's not so much in external terms, this man is simply an emotional sympathy and comfort. Part of Scripture can be beautiful and not cause anything other than aesthetic feelings - it's nice to see. But the pride and arrogance with which you might encounter, cause only negative emotions. Beauty, not backed up by charm, does not have the charm.

If in appearance there is something you totally satisfied, you have two options: either to resort to plastic manipulation, or to accept themselves for who is there. However, many people choose a third way: to dwell on the lack of, which entails the above specified problems with self-esteem. So, in my opinion, the second way would be most appropriate.

It's not about age, not the number of juvenile acne or "mature" wrinkles, and your relationship to itself. And you can live with them, but also with freckles, and with a crooked nose, and a full waist, and with the "breeches" at the hips, moreover, to live well! If this does not get hung up. There are able and willing? Please, be engaged figure, eat right, watch out for themselves. But most importantly, remember to be overcome completely unnecessary facilities and feel confident. Then the attitude of others, and your life will change in much better. Love yourself, value yourself, then your happiness will surely be with you.
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