Computer in a child's life
Time runs at an alarming rate, and sometimes we adults do not keep up with progress. In our lives every day, adding new and more advanced technologies, which we have to adapt, whether we like it or not. It is a necessity dictated by modern life. More recently, the computer was a mysterious box with great potential, today it is - an ordinary thing like a TV or vacuum cleaner, without which it is difficult to imagine their lives. So strongly, he entered our everyday life. PC in the house no longer a rarity. And children are most curious inhabitants of the house, have a genuine interest in him. So should erase all memories of their children to this unique invention of mankind, and at what age? To address this question, we must weigh all the pros and cons.
You'll be surprised with some fabulous speed child will remember all those buttons, to learn confidence to stick his arm in a variety of windows, open, close, move, select, delete, and so forth. In this case, the baby may not be four years old, he still can not read, and do not understand how he can understand all this? All very simple. Children have a great desire to learn and study all the strange, new, incomprehensible. Computer in a child's life - just a toy. Toy, in which so much new, so many interesting things that the children be returned to it again and again. This is not a machine, which played - and tired, and puzzles, which are gathered several times - and already interested. Computer in a child's life - it is such a wonderful thing, where everyone just might be something new, exciting ... toy that allures and not let our children from themselves. Spoils their wonderful eyes and tightens, tightens, tightens in itself, as in the abyss. If you are allowed a child to this miracle of technology, try to stay at the computer was short-lived and most useful.
You can pick up your child training programs, age appropriate, where in a game he can learn to count, read and think logically. But, dear parents, beware! Not all games and educational programs are made with high quality and ease of perception. I had a chance to try the very few of them. For example, children's program that teaches reading. Words run in the cloud, the child should read them until they move. All anything, but the words somehow "go" on the left side, starting with the last letter! That is, read the "turtle" can only be the end - "ahaperech!
What and how children learn - remains a mystery. Or another example. Against the backdrop of sweet sleeping baby - stars numbered. A pleasant female voice says: "Match-stars from one to fifteen, and you'll get a surprise!" Doing simple enough task, I got a surprise: the head is not known anyone with horns, slanting eyes, two teeth and the ugly language! Nice surprise! Really unexpected ... but a little nice. So, before you sit the child to learn, to check for compliance with this training will have all the same to yourself.
But not all that bad. There are lots of really good programs, good-quality, perfectly matched with jobs and cute helpers. These are the classes really bring the child benefit. But in any case, stay near your computer should be strictly limited. It was established that the computer is addictive, severe dependence, accompanied by fatigue, irritability and even aggression. It is therefore extremely important not to let this relationship in a child.
-You can play as long as I wash the dishes, and then we'll go for a walk.
That way you kill two birds with one stone. The child does not distract you, doing interesting work independently, and you have given him time on the computer just as much as harmless. Lessons on the computer is better to alternate with active games, walks, or eating, most importantly, the child painlessly broke away from the computer. Few moving and quietly pulling the time and desire of the child to sit behind the monitor, you'll reduce the risk of computer addiction. But in any case, do not punish the child, depriving him of the Computer Society! Such punishment you will only exacerbate the situation. Forbidden fruit is sweet. And your child will pull to the computer with a vengeance.
Children under the age of seven years is recommended to be at the computer not more than fifteen or twenty minutes a day. And rightly so. After all, their life has just begun. And the opportunity to become acquainted with the computer to present to our dear children again and again. And learn how to smell lilacs, and check to see where the spring run stream to measure the depth of fluffy white snow drifts can only be myself, and as soon as possible! So make your conclusions, dear parents!