Condition of happiness
Life in old age for many people is evidence that they had a chance to learn something. But they do not use it. Tell you another example, which we shared with friends. Once upon a married couple. On weekends, my husband went fishing. One morning, when her husband was going on a fishing trip, my wife called and told that her mother had died. She said about her husband. He quietly packed up and went fishing. When he returned, his wife was no longer at home: she packed up and left. They divorced. Twenty years later they met again. Sat at a table and finally talked about what had happened. And he said: "I was so distraught that he did not know what to do. So I went on a fishing trip, and she said: "I thought you are so I do not respect what you fishing more important than what my mother died. I was very bad. " Was lost for twenty years. They might be happy if he just admitted that he lost.
You can think too much about how beautiful to be happy and to have it, and behold. But your mind should always be based on your actions. Check your ideas to how you are able and willing to implement them. Remember that your happiness must be based on the fact that you yourself can make for themselves, not the illusion or hope for magic. It is important to know what you have needs. But equally important is how you can satisfy them, and whether they are acceptable to you, these methods. Take a list of their needs or make it again. For each item answer a few questions:
-Do you really need it?
-Do you really need is what?
-Where can you get it?
-How can you get it?
-From what steps is this path?
-What do you want to do this?
-Due to what you can achieve this?
-Do you need someone's help? If so, whose?
"What you will meet your needs?
-What are the pluses and minuses is that?
-Is it the result of this effort?
This does not mean that you may not want something, then there is not in nature. In the end, all the great discoveries were made in search of something which is not visible in the present. Sometimes we are so accustomed to think about their desires as a dreamboat that the possibility of translating them seem unreal. This can also be determined by our view of the world, which is - is unattainable, unfeasible. Think of your favorite hero. This may be literary, historical, mythological hero, the filmstar or a living person whom you admire. Imagine him in front of him, look.
Now imagine that you have them. Give yourself time to get used to the role. Try to feel it as a hero. Feel what it is, what is his world, what is its energy, what is his style of interaction with the world, what is his modus operandi. What he is so attracted to you? Now, imagine how he would cope with the difficulties faced by you. How could he realize your need? As he came out of the situation? Probably, you can easily imagine how will solve your problems other people. This means that you too can do it. People who have obtained - not supermen, they are the same as you, but they dare to make decisions more often. Try to understand what prevents you consider yourself to be equal to those people who can do this?
Configure your employment
Another condition of happiness lies in the fact that life is more interesting than the more in her activities, we are involved. We dream about the rest, about the possibility of not working. However, psychological studies show that fewer than we have ever employed, the greater the likelihood that we or fixated on one type of activity, or accept a less desirable activity. That is why among housewives more disadvantaged women than among women who work long hours. Look carefully at its present day: what it is? Do not be discouraged by setbacks. Failure - an experience first attempt at writing, this is your interaction with the world. And as long as you get from the world of feedback, whether you perceive it positive or negative, this interaction is successful.
No circumstances make you happy, and your internal readiness to be happy and the ability to be content with what gives you peace. When you are happy, it does not mean that your life has no place for trouble and failure. However, the happiest person understands that the troubles and failures can be, and makes them not as obstacles but as springboards - to get a better push. Troubles are part of life, the same grade, an important and necessary, as well as amenities. Many people who lived through difficult events, think that things might turn differently if ... if ... if. Accept the fact - what happened - was going to happen, there was no other option, another version of this event in your life. And you have done in these difficult events only way to proceed because they were the same man who was and was not anyone else. Your experience is valuable, it has a lot of knowledge and resources. You have learned a lot - appreciate it!
And you can learn a lot from how you live now. You do not need to wait for old age, to take stock of the day. As long as you sincerely do not say goodbye to misery, all your attempts to bring happiness to themselves will suffer a fiasco. If you notice, what do you think about how you're unhappy, that everything is bad, interrupt these thoughts in any way, for example, tell yourself what a funny poem. If you do not know precisely the parameters of his own happiness, then it may come, but you will not notice. In order to feel happy, it is important not only to draw the scenery, but also fill them with things that bring you joy. To your future would be what you want to create it you need here and now, not postponing. Happiness must be based on the fact that you yourself can make for themselves. Life is more interesting than the more activities you are involved. No circumstances make you happy, and your internal readiness to be happy.