Conflict situations in a team
Even in peace and quiet is not easy to defend their interests. What can we say cord occur conflicts in the team . When you think not so much about their benefits, how much of that did not lose his place in the company ... And yet you should never pass. Even if you have the roof caved in reproaches, complaints, negativity, gossip, and other career troubles, do not forget about their rights and benefits. Massive psychological attack, of course, a very pressing on the nervous system. If as a result of a situation, all in the office took up arms against you, know you are provoked. The purpose of provocation - to get you to the aggression, blind rage, which forces you to commit rash acts, such as to leave the company, slamming the door and not taking financial compensation owed to you ("Behold, they say, we are proud").
Another variant of psychological pressure: the reproaches and invocation to the conscience in order to inspire you to feel guilty for anything. Do not succumb. A man who truly loves himself will never be wasted worry. If you really guilty of something and you can correct the situation, do it and forget it. If you're to blame, but something has to change is not in your power to ask for forgiveness, and above all - forgive yourself and forget, let go of the negative situation. Because otherwise the guilt like a sack of bricks, will always pull you back and stand across your interests.
For example, my friend Nick for quite some time worked as a sales manager at a large firm and earnest methyl as a managing sector. But once, when one of planerok announces the results of staff, Nikolai was the worst result. It was not so scary. Sales plan he carried out, just slightly lag behind in terms of their colleagues, and they certainly do not miss the chance to undermine his self-esteem and confidence. As if by agreement, they began to turn an ordinary work situation in the conflict. Some came with words of sympathy, others with reproaches, and others with ridicule and scathing commentary.
Nicholas was unable to diplomatically and intelligently razrulit this situation, to make it work for their interests. Constant "assaults" colleagues very soon led to the fact that Nicholas resigned. He had to start all over again at another firm. Of course, none of this would have happened if he had tried to use the situation to their advantage. For instance, took his temporary defeat as an incentive to move forward by leaps and bounds, and then with passion would enter into the pursuit of higher sales. Remember: in any, even in a deadlock for you to have some benefit. Learn to see it and use it!
Diplomat on the soap!
Some people confuse a reasonable defense of their interests with the infamous swing right. This is a big mistake! Here are some examples of when not balk and argue their views in all possible ways! So, you show excessive stubbornness and shake your rights if:
1.Pytaetes blackmail the boss: "Either you raise my salary or I'm going to a rival firm. Of course, sometimes intimidating employers paying off. But be aware: this method only works once. If you will be with such threats every week or month, the authorities will be easier to replace you than to satisfy your endless demands.
2.Prusite impossible. For example, ask an unrealistic fee for their work, though well aware that these services actually cost much less. Or insist on exorbitant amount, knowing that the project budget does not allow it. Of course, qualify for a good salary is not only possible but also necessary. But the numbers have to be real. If you ask a dizzying fees, knowing that the firm can not afford to pay each an accountant for five thousand dollars a month, I want to ask: what do you expect? Do you think employers are so delight your competence, that they would get the missing funds from the earth? That seems unlikely. Easier they will find a less demanding professionals. And you can brand the "Prima" and "impudent" to overestimate themselves and their abilities.
3.Rabotaete on principle, and ours, and yours. In an effort to earn more money, you work for two competing firms. It would seem that might be more logical? Since the time of Truffaldino people have learned that being a "servant of two masters" is very profitable. On the other hand, most firms are categorically prohibited its employees a work order. And it can work well-known principle: in the chase two hares, you will not catch. Your duplicity may result in failure, especially if it undertakes the security service firm. So in pursuit of the earnings in your best interest to adhere to what is permitted by the charter of your company.