Conflicting people
In life, there is no place to heroes only positive or only negative - these characters could be born only in the fantasies of writers. In practice, all men, as a rule, are contradictory in their thoughts and actions. This is due to the fact that Che loveku tend to change with age or following any major significant event (after the marriage, birth of a child). During one stage of their lives, people are usually trying to remain faithful to their principles and ideals. For example, in his youth, many different activity maximalism and ambition. In adulthood - rationality, practical, life-grip, in old age - peace, tranquility and sophistication of life experience.
But it so happens that people even during one period of his life is very contradictory: every day he changes his mind about yourself and others. In this case we are dealing with someone very controversial, with a man who has not yet found a firm footing in life, still have doubts, and desperately looking for. Conflicting people are not easy to communicate. This requires you to maximize attention to the other party and the hardness of his own position in life. You should be prepared that your companion on the move can change their opinion about the upcoming joint you rest. For example, you would get together to go to the fashionable resort abroad, and your partner suddenly changed his mind.

Since these people can not be pretty sure that you know them inside and out. For example, your friend is always preferred the classic style of dress, and a meeting with his classmates, he came into the worn leather jacket and torn jeans. Such people may change before your eyes: from the good-natured and mildly man turn into a grumpy and cranky type. Of them always have to wait for surprises, and not always very pleasant. Dramatic changes in their character, habits, tastes should not call you a shock - it is not necessary to require them, so they again changed in the opposite direction that you want to see them as they were before. It will not help. For them, change their principles - is a kind of experiment, they want to find out: "And as for me will be treated if I like this?" Everything will depend on your reaction. Try to understand that communication with that person before making it far more pleasant than it is now. If your friend sees that you and the people around him have changed in relation to him not for the better - it must be the same.