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Connections and Stellium as Drivers Part 1

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Connections and Stellium as Drivers Part 1
Man with Stellium in Aries, or in the first house, will manifest itself as a pioneer, trendsetter, has incredible energy. Such people will go into a room and say: 'Let's do it. Let's do something. For business. " Their energy is contagious and encourages others to act. They are best to work alone and remain independent. Of them often make excellent traders, because they are very prone to self-realization and do not accept failure.

Man with Stellium in Cancer, or in the fourth house, usually focuses on the emotional factors of upbringing and has a high sensitivity. Customers with either of these aspects have a sensitive receptivity and ability to understand other people, as well as the ability to manage through intuitive understanding of others. Head Cancer walks in and says: "How you feeling? How are things at home? Held that the common cold, that was you yesterday? I think it would be nice if we did someone and something. It would be a nice program to date. " When the boss leaves, the employee feels that he himself defined his job, but in fact it led to this head of Cancer.

Man with Stellium in Libra, or in the seventh house, usually has great tact and diplomacy. The fact that most of Libra is biased to manipulation, but astrologers do not talk about it. In fact, Libra highlighted the ability to see two sides of the issue to take into account all its aspects and in every situation and find both good and bad. Scales have the ability to get along well with others, and most people believe that the familiar scales consider them my best friends. I often find themselves at a party where it comes to politics. Scales in such a situation, say: "Yes, yes, of course. You are right. Democrats then, the Democrats se. They are humanists. They care about the common good. " In ten minutes you can hear the same person, talking to someone else, will deliver: "These Republicans head on the ground. These fellows because of that and because of that. " They will occupy the opposite position and agree with both parties. They are not duplicitous, they just all see and dignity, and shortcomings.

Man with Stellium in Capricorn, or in the tenth house, tends to become the chief, who goes to power in a natural way. Capricorn is the leader simply because it is called a leader. Give Capricorn title or assign it to the president of any organization, and he will be happy. Capricorns are distinguished ability to climb stairs to the top. They want the status, position and respect. Eventually they become presidents of nearly all organizations in which they are composed. Strongly fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius), or Stellium in the second, fifth, eighth and eleventh houses signs will resist change, with great caution and hesitation, and respond to energy more slowly and with concern.
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