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Connections with the planets Mercury

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Connections with the planets Mercury

The compound of Mercury and Venus: this configuration is especially important if it repeats the same natal compound but in another sign, in this latter case, it emphasizes the value of natal.

The compound of Mercury and Mars: this configuration indicates a problem, rash acts, trouble, in which the subject himself to blame despite the good location of one of the planets.

The compound of Mercury and Jupiter: Improves professional skills and meets a successful business initiatives. Sound judgments, the spirit of tolerance, the practical meaning usually improve communication with the environment.

The compound of Mercury and Saturn: apparently, reduces self-confidence, adds worries, makes the subject indecisive.

The compound of Mercury and Uranus: new interests, thoughts turn in an unexpected direction, initiatives, leading out of the subject beyond the sphere in which he lived.

The compound of Mercury and Neptune: the pursuit of far off, hope that was not destined to implement all this significantly weakens the practical sense. This compound may be beneficial to travel and mental activity associated with imagination / III and IX of the house / or denote the Platonic sense, the subject of cooking disappointment / corners, II, VI, XII house.

The compound of Mercury and Pluto: favors anything that relates to mathematics, accounting, training sessions, a variety of financial calculations, as well as self-education. This configuration is, apparently, is the empowerment of the individual and often its material capabilities in the sense indicated its place in the SB.
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