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Consciousness and intelligence are important for happiness

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Consciousness and intelligence are important for happiness

Intellectual needs associated with intellectual development and education, with a desire to recognize, own and operate the information that knowledge in their reality. Intelligence - is an important add-in that helps you with information to solve very important problems:

A) Save physical energy.

B) Avoid mistakes.

B) harness new resources in the world.

D) To take care of security.

And much more.

To meet these challenges, a person must have a lively and inquiring mind. Ability to competently use the mind acquires paramount importance. Needs of the mind associated with awareness - of themselves, their actions, the world, its laws and processes, and based on this understanding, we build our knowledge and our worldview. Mind develops only if they use it. The more we use them, the more developing. And vice versa: the less we use them, the less it works. Rust as useless.
Consciousness and intelligence are important to happiness , because for us to satisfy their impulses, they must be understood and interpreted by us to meet them must be devised a suitable method that will simultaneously meet several conditions:

-Energy saving;

-Incorporation of obstacles;

-Utilization of existing internal and external resources;

-Care to the environment and the body by this method are not destroyed.

In addition, it is a form of imagination or stencils of our desires and directs us towards the desired goal. Richer than our imagination, so refined, better and more diverse, we can meet their needs. If feelings are the generators of energy, consciousness is an engineer who directs the energy in the right direction, and, if necessary, this channel Spaces on the map and plots. With consciousness we draw for ourselves a picture of the desired state or desirable things. On how we draw these pictures depends, we will be happy or not, we get what we wanted, or deception in expectations.

Even more important role played by consciousness, when builds obstacles to happiness. The basis for these constraints is, paradoxically, the same skill in saving energy, which reads: "If it worked once, then work and at other times. No need to reinvent the wheel ". For example, your parents in childhood, said: "If you smile at everyone and no one will disagree that people will relate to you well." It is clear that they did it for his own convenience, so that they do not have to deal with your negative emotions and uncomfortable questions. And in your family, for example, this strategy works: You have been obedient, and parents were happy. However, as an adult, you may find that this strategy will not work because the world consists not only of your parents, it has a lot of other people that have to build different relationships to be satisfied with these relationships and happy. Following the principle of automaticity, with the help of false reasoning and unconsciousness mind creates obstacles.

Obstacles to Happiness

Obstacles created by the consciousness can be expressed in the following thoughts: "I still have not come out," I'll never be happy ", etc. Often, the obstacles take the form of moral systems, rules of morality: "Shut up, yet you do not ask," "not good to rejoice when African children are starving," "you must sacrifice everything for the sake of loved ones," "Happiness must be earned." Common form of intelligent systems, which create obstacles - this is our "I" and "I can not." Most of our "must" or "can not" formed in childhood, when we were told that we do something does not work, or to impose something we do not like. Now the situation has changed, but we often still feel like children who can say that they have something to or something can not, we continue to ascribe the authorship of their actions to others.

"I can not" and "I" - is a way to make the other authors of our lives, our actions. When we say "I", we mean that there is someone who commits us, because otherwise we would say "I do not want" or "I want". When we say "I can not", we mean that there is someone who prevents us, because if no one interferes, we can not know how to not be able to fear, but "not able". Does not that easy to say: "I can not" or "I" rather than admit, even to himself that "I do not know how," "I'm afraid," I need help "and so on ? "I can not" and "should" - we use these expressions when not responsible for their actions and for what is happening, nor to himself or to others.

When we say to ourselves: "I can not" or "I" - it blocks the energy, because with the "can not" nothing can be done, and "should" like a yoke assembly in the neck. It's quite another thing if you say "I want" or "I do not want." When we say "want" or "not want" - it frees up energy for action. Another obstacle, which can create awareness, is an imitation of action. A wealth of information - from tabloid to the esoteric, the abundance of sources through which it can receive - TV, radio, literature and the Internet - to help in a state of consciousness appear activities. Read a lot, read digest - hence, the business is busy, the brain works, and how. Meanwhile, as a rule, nothing happens.

In contrast to what is tested and verified, theoretical knowledge can easily evaporate, are forgotten and disappear. We give a simple example. Remember the time when you could not, say, work on the computer. You certainly had not once seek the help of knowledgeable people do not even order them to help you learn something new, but in order that they reminded you of what you already know well. And the less practice you have had, the more you seek such help because your body is not delayed due skill level. The practice helps the knowledge to become a part of you, while the theory only tells you about what is general and does not necessarily happen to you. Therefore, the less you do in life, the more you have to ask for advice, new thoughts and ideas to others.

People, a little practice, it is very difficult to stop, stop absorbing other people's thought forms. On the one hand, scared - suddenly passed something useful to be held? On the other hand, have to deal with habitual inactivity, habitual inactivity, which, of course, there's the bonus - the energy savings and comfort. Not so easy to abandon the comfortable "doing nothing". Erratic, inconsistent implementation - this is the fact that in most cases impedes development. Sometimes it may seem that you are doing something, protest against something. However, our society is such that it should be the role of leadership and the role of outsiders, as well as black sheep, the rebels ...

Sometimes you think it was you-a scapegoat. And in fact, just someone had to take on this role. Sometimes you think you buntuete, and you just sodeystvuete someone else's plan and tolchetsya water in a mortar. You seem to currently active, but actually deep inside the passive, in which case your work - this is not the result of reflection and awareness, and your actions - just the ripples, a pathetic imitation of activity will, determination, audacity. And then you have to go deep into themselves, or conversely, to go into the world, but only to go, walk, crawl and fly - in a word, move ballast unnecessary information, stop rushing from one to another, and walk purposefully.
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