Conspiracy, if you throw a loved one
Often it happens that people break up for whatever reasons, irrelevant, and lose each other in this world, want to find later, but never could. It happens that they themselves can not cope with this kind of assistance needed, the saints so natural forces.
Came to me once a woman had the Svetlana. And his story told. Several years ago, she quarreled with her lover and an occasion-then some trifling was, now it has become clear, and then - found a scythe on the stone rested two each in their own, and even went with a heavy heart. But he was impetuous man, decided, apparently - so pick and tear, and left everything and went to another city.
Svetlana forget everything he tried, but every day it all the clearer it became that this was love, and she lost. Svetlana could not hope to give to meet her lover again. And she believed that in his heart, not all extinguished. Tried looking for him, but nothing happened. Here in this moment it is about me and found out and asked for help.
I gave her the word antique, special to the heart of a loved ignite a smoldering fire, so bring it on again.
End of the story is this: a couple of weeks in the evening the doorbell rang. Svetlana opened, and on the verge of her favorite is with a huge bouquet of red roses. Them and the words did not need to understand each other.
Later he told how he suffered all these years, but did not dare to return. And then if the power of what it looked so led. So he came.

Conspiracy of grief and peace of mind and gives a solution to the problem (not only love)
This plot takes heart from all anguish and opens the mind to a correct decision.
Evening out the light and light 3, 7, 9 or 12 church candles. The more candles, the stronger will the conspiracy.
Now in front of him to put your favorite photos. If you need a ritual to solve a complex problem, you should describe your trouble and put a sheet in front of him. Around the photo or note range light candles and read the plot:
I got the servant of God (name), in the morning vodoyumyvalas icy, white blanket wiping, bowing to Christ, walked in the door, out the door at the gate to the street under a red sun, a light month in an open field. In the open field is a tree from the earth to heaven. At the tree branches from east to west. Under the tree stands the church with the altar. At the throne of the board is, on the board is depressed. Kin-ka, longing, and metnika, longing for God's servant (name) in a riotous head, a zealous heart, the blood hot, dice, nohti, in one hundred and seventy compositions, a hundred per conductor. It would seem that the slave redder reddish sun, the brighter light of the month dearer father, mother, dearer to most family tribe, sweeter world freestyle. Servant of God would be near the water would be standing topilsya, the fire would be standing zhegsya. About me would be about the servant, Amen, Amen pity and remember age at his death. Rose b servant of God and in the morning, cold water wash, the white shroud of wiping. Christ bowed, walked in the door from the door, the gate to the street under a red sun, a light month in an open field. In the open field is a tree from the earth to the heavens. In addition the tree branches from east to west. At the same time the tree is sitting Solomon's daughter. I will go closer to her, bowed low. My mother, Solomon's daughter, take my conspiracy okiyan on-sea, put my conspiracy by white-combustible stone to it no one to talk, and neither priest nor deacon, nor a simple peasant girl and quite simple.
Three consecutive days this conspiracy see, after three days and miss three more in the evening speaks your trouble.
Prisushki to favorite
Plots, which gave the love in the old days was called prisushkami. Sorceress and witch is always very careful to use them. And I advise you to think three times before trying a person in such a way to bind himself: "And you will be good together?" Maybe in a separation or that person you did not notice there's a reason? Would you happiness?
Conspiracies-prisushki very strong, so people can attach to you that then you want - but do not fuck off. Think, think hard before you read this conspiracy.
This plot is good if you have the possibility of their beloved with something to entertain, even drink water. Then the food or drink crisscross so cherished words on them whisper:
They sat three girls, all of them native sisters. Oblige me faithful service. Lay board, and under this board is depressed. Put you have this longing to be his servant (name), that he loved me, so he walked behind me, for my footsteps, my footsteps. To the bath did not zaparival in food does not stick, and nothing was drinking, but I loved her and for me walking.
Give someone who's heart your sweet, eat or drink charm.
Banny plot to attract a favorite
Bathroom conspiracies always the strongest. Our ancestors believed that the bath is living a special spirit.
And the truth is sometimes imagined that from a dark corner at you someone glyanet. Therefore, I am in the bath because the plot really believe.
Go to the bathhouse, a steam room, so take a broom with him, pohleschites, but try to get a piece stuck to the body. Take it and say three times:
As the sheet sticks to the body, so that even this servant of God (name) to the servant of Our Lady (the name) is stuck.
This leaflet with him from the bath bring. Well, if you can dry it, grind and brew your favorite tea, and not, so just try leaf crushed in your pocket it pour, or at home with him - under the mattress on the bed, for example.
Prisushka the thing
Take the thing that someone dear to your heart, but at night, make sure the increasing moon, go outside, that little thing on the open palm in front of you keep, say yes:
Sir month, walking you high, you see far, I have not Have you not heard whether you like a cow moos for the calf, as a mare neighing of the foal? So God's servant (name) neighing would moan to about the slave of God (name). Amen, Amen, Amen. Locking the black stone, the key to the bottom.
Thing charmed the owner is true, and quietly wait for his return.
Prisushka on image
Put your favorite photo in front of him. Type in a cup of water, three times prigubte, and three times say over it:
As a person without water can not live, so that this servant of God (name) without the slaves of God (name).
This picture to sprinkle water three times, and then hide it so no one saw. Otherwise, your happiness may jinx it.