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Conspiracies lore against the danger of the street

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Conspiracies-lore against the danger of the street

-We have something in the village and walk at night is not scary - told me once Maria Semyonovna - as in something you have - is another matter.

Maria Semyonovna, so you do in the city and not see yourself almost.

A visit there and I need not, and I understand it - a lot of people live, but people are different. You, Irina before my amulets to give to people, explain to them how to be a lead to the evil man does not hurt, God forbid. Memo me know what I am about to say. Well, I'm rarely in town, I do not like, but the order seen enough of those who robbed, crippled or even how to hurt. They see me go - ask for help. And my heart bleeds to look at them. Of course, like my neighbors daughter, Tanya says, against the scrap no reception, but my charms will protect only have to behave correctly. The men, sometimes, themselves asking for trouble. So write to them memo.

MEMO TO THE STREET avoid trouble

• On a dark street crowded and pick-lit places, carry and give your child a whistle. Walking along the sidewalk, keeping close to the roadway. If the unfrequented street you encounter vypivshaya company or a group of teenagers, it is better to roll the other way or cross the road.

• When returning home in the dark, clear gold jewelry, do not wear brightly. Always keep a pocket or purse large sum of money, before going out money wise decomposed in different places.

• If, threatening violence, you have taken away money and possessions, give the robbers was required. Do not engage them in conversation, do not respond to insults, not threatening messages to the police.

• If you use public transport at night, then went into the cabin bus or tram, to assess the situation from the standpoint of personal safety. If a salon half-empty or there is suspicious company, go into another car or get off at the first stop.

• safer to stay closer to the driver's cab, and in the train - to the device communication from the engineer.

• Keep in mind the valuable things do not start a conversation with strangers, not recalculate in public money.

• If you threaten a person intends to go after you on the same bus stop, or stay in the cabin of the bus, either to attract the attention of others. Do not leave it alone stop, until you are sure that the threat of attack had passed.

For late return

The Lord is my strength, and strength, and power. O Lord, Thy holy cross be marked, cross baptized Cross defense. Lord, save me from sraha noschnago from things in the dark Coming from a thief and thieves, and rapists, and robbers. Save me, O Lord, enlighten my way Mind Your lamp, let it be as bright as day. Lord Jesus Christ, save me, Thy servant (name), pray for the sake of Thy most pure Mother and all the saints. Amen.

If you are forced to return home late, Hem leaflet with this amulet in the seamy side of outerwear.

Universal protection

Kingdom of Heaven, to me the power of the Cross! Cross christened the Lord of defense. Amen.

Hem Ward to the seam on your clothes.

On the night of danger

If you have to walk down the street at night, be sure to put in a purse, this leaflet with the talisman.

Go to hell are not in darkness, walking in the night of God. Month in the sky to me the way light, star bright road to the decree, the angels of God guarding the path. Protects me, the Holy Archangel Michael with his sword, and the Holy Archangel Gabriel with a spear. Like wings of angels are easy, like a sword and a spear straight, and my track is easy and direct. Amen.

From night terrors

Fear, look at myself and worry, and I look at God and rejoice. Amen.

Hem stitch amulet in your clothes - it saves you from fear, if I have to return home late at night.

Conspiracy-amulet against violence

Hold the amulet near the crucifix, in the amulet.

Lord God Almighty, save me from violence, the enemy of my writing a mock of me, thy slave of. Prayer - the amulet, my Lord - my defense, I'll go with the Lord, the troubles did not find it. Seals of God's seal. Amen.
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