Conspiracies-lore for Health 1
When I asked Maria Semyonovna amulets for health, to give to their children and most are not sick, she gave them to me, but warned:
-Ill, Irisha, much more those people who are afraid of the disease. As they say, who is afraid of something, then the same will happen. And still is - a finger porezhut and run to the doctor immediately. Such disease lurking around every corner, they each skvoznyachka get cold, and if the flu - then down the drain! Of course, and sometimes painful, and difficult disease with each can happen. It was then that my charms and need. And here, too - on the amulet helps those who help themselves! Ward - is not treatment, and aid in the treatment! Do you have a guardian - and treatment will be more successful and easier, but to replace medication it can not. Higher power to only help those who did not wallow in the bed moaning yes, but it does.
• Do not call for his illness - do not say you have a serious illness as long as the diagnosis is uncertain. The word has the power - the above can be fulfilled.
• Do not be doubtful - not looking at yourself all conceivable ills, reading a medical book.
• No need for fear of seasonal influenza locked home, close all vents and cover up garlic - in this case, the infection you will soon.
• Do not ever be treated for non-existent illnesses. Remember that treating something one, you can easily ruin the other.
• If you do get sick, then, first of all, seek help from traditional medicine, do not neglect the advice of the doctors.
• Take care of yourself - remember that a healthy person can be everything but in moderation.
• Knowing God forbid, the terrible diagnosis, try to beat a panic. Remember that while you are alive, and then everything can change.
Prayer Charm
St. Panteleimon-healer
If you or someone in your family was seriously ill, you should take this amulet. Let it be kept by the patient, and let the patient read it forty days. If the patient is unable to read, it must make someone close to them (in any case, prayer must be patient). Read must be forty days, not missing a single (if the patient makes an operation, then it's time to read his loved one, or even a neighbor in the ward).
Oh great ugodniche Christ strastoterpche and merciful doctor, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, sinful servant, hear moaning and wailing, my heavenly Intreat, verhovnago Physician our souls and bodies, Christ our God that He may grant mi healing gnetuschago me ailment. Receive unworthy supplications greshneyshago above all of people visited the blessed visit me, not abhor my sinful ulcers, anoint with oil Thy mercy and heal me, yes, health sy soul and body, the remainder of my dny, the grace of God, vozmogu to repentance and pleasing to God and spodoblyusya perception gracious end to the lives of my own. She, ugodniche God! Pray to Christ our God, let thy predstatelstvom gives mi health body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.
Prayer guardian of all diseases
O Lord Almighty, the physician of souls and bodies, smiryayay and ascending, and again nakazuyay istselyayay, Thy servant (name) nemoschstvuyuscha Visit the thy grace, muscle stretch thy healing response and vrachby and heal him, vozstavlyay on the couch and infirmity, the prohibition of the spirit of infirmity, leave from him every plague, every disease, every wound, every ognevitsu and tryasavitsu. And If ye are in it sin or lawlessness, weak, forgive, forgive me for Thy sake of humanity.
This prayer amulet will help the ailing man. It must always carry with them, and remove all ailments like a hand.
Conspiracy-guardian of all illnesses St. Omeljan
Went to herself the Mother of God in the holy mountains, and unlocks the seven keys. The first key is water, another key rudyanoy, the third key core, the third prozhilny the fourth bone, the fifth head, articular sixth, seventh heart. And punish the holy martyr Omel'yanov: "Holy Omeljan, here's seven keys, dial with the seven keys seven vessels of water, go to the servant of God (name), and washed off with him every ailment, every sickness, with blood, bones, from all veins and veinlets, with all sustavchikov with exuberant fellow, with a zealous heart, from all over the white body. " Holy Omeljan water gained, the slave of God (name) is launching all ailments, disease removed, giving assistance. The lids on forever, now and forever. Amen.
Leaf with a talisman store in the bathroom.
Conspiracy-guardian of heartache
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Month of you, a month, you're in the holy of Kievan Rus' happened? "-" Happen ".-" Dnieper River seen? "-" Species ".-" When the River Dnieper-mill worth? "-" Worth ".-" How is it wheel turning, as it knocks the millstones? "-" That turns the mill wheel spravno yes smoothly millstones knocks exactly yes smoothly ".- You should have a servant of God (name), his heart beating smoothly so zealous smoothly, but the ore-krovushku distilled spravno so smoothly. I think the key word so the lock. Amen.
Ward patient should be worn on the body in the heart (you can hem a dress, or put in the amulet and worn around the neck). If a sore heart, a leaflet with a guardian must be attached to the body where it hurts.
Prayer Charm Mother of God "Healer" that was not sick baby
I will arise and bless, go and crossed into the Church of God, stand up under the image of the Blessed Virgin, her bow, she will pray. Accept, O Vseblagoslovennaya and Omnipotence Lady Lady Virgin Theotokos, And this prayer, with tears you prinosimyya of us unworthy of Thy servants, Thy tselbonosnomu way to sing do we ascribe to emotion, Thou thy own zde sheer and who heard our supplications. By koemuzhdo more petition pursuant tvorishi, grief oblegchaeshi, frail health bestow, and razslablennyya neduzhnyya istselyaeshi from rage demons progonyaeshi, obidimyya from troubles redeem prokazhennyya ochischaeshi and small children milueshi: still the same, Lady Sovereign Lady the Mother of God, from the bondage and dungeons svobozhdaeshi and every mnogorazlichnyya passion vrachueshi: all are more possible to request Your your Son, Christ our God. On Mother All-Glorified, Most Holy Mother of God! Not ceases to pray for us, Thy unworthy rabeh praising Thee, and worship of Thee, and those who worship with adoration Precu stoma image of thy hope and faith and possessing transient nesumnennu to Thee, Glorious and the Virgin of the Immaculate, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
This prayer amulet suppose there will always be next to a baby in diapers, clothing, crib.
Conspiracies-lore from the pain
1.Polozhite prayer-Ward in bed (under the pillow, mattress, a blanket, etc.) sick. The pain subsides.
Dawn, you dawn, you are God's helpers! Dawn Marie, Dawn Maremyaniya, Zeriona dawn, the dawn of Vion! You go up into the sky, the night soothes, star paid off, destroy the darkness. Proceed help servant of God (name), his passion Quench, a pain to extinguish, destroy his illness. I do not bless, I did not heal, bless the Lord Jesus Christ, Mother of God heals. As the sky zoryam forever to get up and servant of God (name) ever illnesses will not happen. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
2.Etot prayer amulet you need to attach to the sore spot.
Prayer guardian saint saint Agapito Pechersk
Reverend Father Agapit! Look upon us and the earth milostivno Lift committed to the height of heaven. You're in heaven, we are on the bottom of the earth, away from you, do not shred the place eliko grehmi her and lawlessness, but to have recourse to you and saying: guided us through your walks, to instruct and guide. Your whole life is sacred byst mirror of every virtue. Not prestani, ugodniche God, about us crying to the Lord. Having asked his predstatelstvom have Vsemilostivago our God the world His Church, under the banner of the cross militant agreement in faith and edinomudrie, suemudriya same and splits destruction, the statement in good deleh, healing the sick, comfort the sad, offended Power leveling, disaster aid. No interm us to you with faith inflowing. Ye all Orthodox Christians, with your wonders and favors performance oblagodetelstvovannii profess cha byti his patron and protector. Reveal your ancient grace, and ihzhe fathers vsepomoschestvoval hast not abhor us, their children, their feet to your rear.