Conspiracies of terror
I received a letter from a woman. She says about her daughter. He writes that he has recently been replaced as a little girl - only fear was. Before realized that he could not alone in the dark room to sleep - it is necessary that her mother was sitting next to and almost held her hand. And then the terrible shadow of her mereschatsya. From home alone get scared, crying, all she thinks that someone on the heels of her going. Their life has turned into a nightmare, and the mother has seriously tempted to get that girl to a psychiatrist at the reception record.
I was immediately clear that without an unclean thing could not have done - such temptation since ancient times Christians are known. In the old days such people possessed was called, and now in mental hospitals are trying to heal, but just not treated the disease conventional medicine, because its roots - not in this world. It happens that induce such damage specifically. It's called fear. And it happens that the man himself might fear to earn, if you accidentally look in a different world. But, and this happens, and much more often than you think.
From fear of the witch one treatment is correct - the holy word, prayer, holy yes conspiracy folk.
I wrote what prayers and charms to read, and soon received a reply. Wrote to me the woman that everything was done as ordered. She said that as soon as the last words were uttered by the conspiracy, the daughter fell on the floor was shaking her, arms and legs were trembling. Mother terribly frightened and ran even on the phone, call the doctors. But my daughter suddenly calmed down. A little girl's eyes opened, so all the fears left her. The first days she was still frightened little dark, but gradually straightened.
Plot on the water to release fears
First of all the holy water from the temple should bring a candle so hallowed. Sprinkle water over all angles, but by the wash. Light a candle before the icon of the Savior and the three words of the ancient incantation to repeat:
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God! Your words, the great lord, overlooking the small and inconspicuous, and they do wonderful things: fear can stop, sadness turn, cause joy and to strengthen the pity. Help the servant of God (name) to heal the soul.
After this candle to burn out, the wax, which with her natechet, wrapped in a piece of white cloth and hidden away.
Conspiracy against the evil eye and children's fears
If the kid the evil eye, he can begin to be afraid of the dark and cry at night. Then you need the plot to read the water three times to throw her baby after a bath.
Water Solomonita on Leksandrovna father. I drew thee, servant of God (name) help wanted. And you went down, from afar, with all submission, hailing from all over, washed the root of evil and good, Obmoy a servant of God (name) fears-fears. Amen. Take God's servant (name) longing and grief, and prizory and lessons, and fears, and turmoil. The day, noon. Night, midnight.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
From nightmares and night terrors
In order for the child of fear in the night to save, take the crown of poppy and put it under my pillow with the words:
As poppy head does not move under you, so your head is sound asleep Let enjoys sweet dream stores.
From damage - fear
If fear fell suddenly and does not let go, prevents live, you suspect damage. In this case, you have to go out at night or on the balcony. Look at the sky, crossed herself three times and say the words are:
Our Father which art in heaven hedgehogs, but shines the name, Thy kingdom come of heaven. How many stars in the sky as a sea of sand, so many of God's mercy. Have mercy, O Lord, thy servant (name). Send her good health and tranquility. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
After this, immediately go to bed with anyone no longer talk.