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Conspiracies of the child to the obedience

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Conspiracies of the child to the obedience

If a child is called, has gone astray - away from home, talk back, takes no demand money and possessions do not want to learn, and so on, it can be to reason with the charged water. Water was added to the food (you can prepare for her soup, make tea), it spray bed and child's clothing. Such water can be programmed only by a woman - mother, sister, grandmother. The amount of water - from 1 liter.

Mother's Prayer at the admonition of the child

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy most pure Mother hear me, unworthy servant (name). Lord, in Thy gracious power of my offspring, Thy servants (names). Have mercy and save them, thy name's sake. Lord, forgive them all voluntary and involuntary sins they committed against thee. Lord, guide them to the true path of thy commandments, and mind enlighten the light of Christ for the salvation of the soul and healing of the body. God bless them at home, at school, on the road and in every place of Thy dominion. Lord, preserve them under the shelter of Thy holy from the flying bullets, poison, fire, from the deadly pestilence, and death in vain. Lord, protect them from all visible and invisible enemies, of all diseases, cleaned of all defilement and ease their mental anguish. Lord, grant them the grace of Thy Holy Spirit on many years of the life, health, chastity. Lord, Increase and strengthen their mental ability and physical strength, thou hast bestowed upon them, thy blessing to the pious, and if you like, family life and blameless procreation. Lord, grant me, unworthy and sinful servant of Thy (name), parental blessing to my children, and thy servant is now in the morning, day, night, thy name's sake: for thy kingdom forever, all-powerful and omnipotent. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ our God, in the heart of a motley array vselivyysya hypocrisy of the Apostles, by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, soshedshago in the form of tongues of fire, and thus opened the oral and nachasha glagolati other languages: the Lord Jesus Christ our God, nisposli of Thy Holy Spirit on the Founding of these things ( name), and plant them in his heart ushesa Svyaschennyya Scripture, which is shed at thy hand Pure skrizhaleh trace the zakonopolozhniku Moses, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer is all that is sacred and heavenly bodiless powers of the admonition of the child

God and the saints, holy pochivayay, Trisagion voice of an angel in heaven, sung on earth by man in his saints praised: davy Your holy Spirit komuzhdo grace as gifts of Christ and the Church toyu postavivy Thy Holy Apostles ovy, ovy prophets, evangelists ovy same , ovy pastors and teachers, their own short sermon. You yourself acting all in all, harbored many sovershishasya saints koemzhdo kind and sort, various dobrodetelmi blagougodivshii Thee and for Thee us an image of the good deeds of their ostavivshe, in joy preshedshii, ready, it yourself tempted things were made, and we napastvuemym pomogati. So remembering all the saints and their godly praise life, you Samago, they deystvovavshago, delight, and oneh Your gift of charity byti believing diligently pray Thee, O most holy place, grant me a sinner followers of their doctrine, contrary to those vsedeystvuyuscheyu Thy grace, heaven with them may be accounted worthy of glory, hvalyasche most holy name of thy Father, Son and Holy Spirit for ever. Amen.
Prayers Sergey Radonezhsky admonition about children

St. Sergius of his prayer was able to exploit to instruct an entire nation. He prayed for the return erring on the right path.

On the heavenly citizen of Jerusalem, the Reverend Father Sergius! Look upon us and mercifully to the ground Lift committed to the height of heaven. You mount to heaven and we on earth, the bottom, away from you, do not shred the place eliko their sins and transgressions, but to thee, for Thou us akin, resort and cry: guided us through thy walks, enlighten and guide. Characteristic is to you, our Father, blagoutrobie and humanity: the earth living, not about his tokmo saving CHOIR you care, but also for all of you inflowing. Manual your things were cane Sage skoropistsa, heart kazhdago verbs nachertavayuschaya life. Not telesnyya tokmo hast healed of illness, but more than the spiritual doctor was an elegant art Thou, and all your holy life byst mirror of every virtue. If thou hast been Tolia, svyatche of God on earth: Thou colic now, in heaven! You dnes predstoishi Nepristupnago Throne of Light, and in it, for they in Zertsalov, seest all our needs and petitions; you vodvoryaeshisya coupled with the Angels, of a single sinner who repents rejoicing. And the humanity of God is inexhaustible, and your confidence a lot to him: not prestani of us crying out to God. Predstatelstvom have asked for your Vsemilostivago our God, the world His Church, under the banner of the Cross militant agreement in faith and edinomudrie, suemudriya same and splits destruction, the statement in good deleh, healing the sick, comfort the sad, offended Power leveling, disaster aid. No interm us to you with faith inflowing. For though and unworthy esmy tolikago father and an advocate, but you wannabe former humanity, God, created Ny deserve through treatment of the evil deeds to good Life of. All Bogoprosveschennaya Russia, thy miracles performed and graces benefited, I confess Thee byti his patron and protector. Reveal your ancient grace, and ihzhe fathers vspomoschestvoval hast not abhor us, their children, their feet to your rear. We believe, for Thou spirit we soprisutstvueshi. To where the more is the Lord, as He teaches us his word, customs, and his servants will be. Thou art the faithful servant of the Lord, and God everywhere suschu you in him Thou, and He is in you is, more than the same body and with us thou. Hsieh netlennyya and zhivonosnyya your power, for Thou treasure beztsennoe, God gave us miracles. Predstoyasche them, for they live you suschu, pripadaet and pray: that accept our prayers and offered them upon the altar blagoutrobiya God, yes, Take thy grace and blagovremennu in needs our help. Strengthen us, the faint-hearted, and confirm us in the faith, but certainly trust poluchiti all the benefits of blagoserdiya Lord thy prayers. Flock is your spiritual, you gathered, do not prestani upravlyati rod spiritual deeds of wisdom: laboring fervently help, razslablennyya vozstavi, spospeshi yoke of Christ legion of complacency and patience, and all of us to govern in peace and repentance, our stomach and preselitisya with hope in the blessed bosom of Abraham, you to where the joy of trudeh and podvizeh pochivaeshi today, praising all the saints of God, the Trinity slavimago, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

O holy and God-bearing Father our Sergei! Look upon us (names) milostivno and committed to the land, build to a height of heaven. Strengthen our weakness and confirm us in the faith, but no doubt rely poluchiti all the benefits of blagoserdiya Lord God, thy prayers. Having asked predstatelstvom your every gift to all and koemuzhdo blagopotreben and all Ny establish thou vouchsafe your prayers a day Strashnago court shuiya of deliverance, desnyya same country obshchnika byti and blessed shalt hear the voice of the Lord Jesus: Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you by adding the world . Amen.
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