Conspiracies to love people
Conspiracies are very important, they can not be missed. Even if you think that all is now well around, read, do not be lazy. Word incantation malevolent force scare other people unkind thoughts withdrawn. You can read them and other loved ones, if you see what help they need.
The first plot can be read every day, before leaving the house. It gives confidence and promotes a good attitude around, and put little protection from the evil eye when you evil man on his way to meet.
I'll become the servant of God (name), in the morning, and blessed the cross. I will go out into the open field, have a look at all four sides: on the east side stands the holy church. How about this church and watching zaryatsya, so be on the servant of God (his name) looked and zarilis, old old women, old aged, small children, red girl, young, young women, good fellows, and looked at zarilis servant of God (name). Take my words are strong and emki as key podzemelny, amen.
Another plot to the love servants' slander on any subject that you carry with you.
Knowledgeable people recommend it to tell a very common safety pin to pin, after which the clothes on the inside that nobody saw in the left breast, head always up. If you tell a plot to another object (such as a ring), you'll have to wear it tucked away in a handkerchief and kept in a bag. And it will agree, is not as convenient as a pin, you are not dropping, not lose, and the pin can seamlessly to any clothing.
With a soft bed to a net source, with the blessing of the Lord, Draw me water in a heavenly shaft. That water is more expensive gold rings, miles of white-stone houses, cups poserebryanyh. A beloved water that - beautiful. I wash in her white face, and would seem to young fellows, old aged, elderly peasants, decrepit old women, young girls, elderly widow beautiful red sun, moon clear, the beam of morning. It would seem that my beauty is everything and everyone in every time, every minute and every day, she fell to her in their hearts and eyes. Amen.