Conspiracy against damage induced by a family
If the family discord, and you suspect that you put a spell, and who exactly did it - do not know, you can try such a conspiracy. Need to buy 12 candles to light after 12 hours of the night. Be sure to make sure that the sky was not overcast and vyzvezdennoe. Ask to read this conspiracy mom or grandmother (older woman in the family). But if you're not sure they will understand you better see for yourself.
T ospodi Jesus Christ, Son begotten Beznachalnago Thy Father, and advertising art the prechistym usty Thy, Thou, without Me you can not tvoriti negligible. Lord, Volume of faith in my soul and heart with very thee utterance, pripadaet thy goodness: Pomozov mi sinner, her cause me starting about you, the very sovershiti in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Extinguish the candles, one by one and immediately go to sleep.