Conspiracy - how to heal the drying step
First we must carefully observe the patient's legs. If yellow wax with a bluish fingernails, and the patient said that the legs or joints ache, do not hold your body weight, leave the patient at home. We must convince him that you heal him, but warned that from sunset to sunrise to talk to him you will not.
Treatment of complicated, it requires from the doctor of the total concentration of energy and deep desire to help the patient. Before treatment, it is desirable to stay at least briefly in solitude and be sure to pray. Ask the Lord to give you strength in your work. Not for a moment doubt of a successful outcome. Remember that the power of charms is boundless. They cure bodily and spiritual ailments, connect hearts and separated. Cause rain and sun.
You are obliged to assist and help someone who has passed to you with hope.
When the first rays of sun illumine the sky, wake the patient.
Light 7 candles. Igniting each, saying: "Bow Monday, Tuesday pray, worship environments, pray Thursday, Friday worship and pray on Saturday." Lighting the 7-th candle, say: "Christ is risen, and I pray and worship Sunday. Amen. Then go to the lay sick, and blessed him. Sprinkling water on it, read three times:
"Through the mountains of Ararat,
Through the blades of Damascus steel,
Through the blood of the saints,
Patient through the bone,

Through a sieve and the corn,
Through the bread and salt,
Get out suhota and pain
At Mount Ararat
At Damascus steel knives,
How to walk on them saints
At the holy feet are not sick,
So that both the servant of God (name)
Feet are not dried up and not hurt
And the bones do not creak. Amen.
So do 7 consecutive days.