Conspiracy how treated with blood
If you take blood after the wedding night, she can be put on the feet of him on whom the doctors refused. But the blood (a rag soaked with blood) should be from weddings and couples after the wedding.
Patient wash three: small, old and a widow, and wipe with a rag on the girls. Do so at dawn or dusk times three: morning, evening and dozakatnoy poslezakatnoy when the last red glare in the sky visible. Moon at this time should be complete. Day - not windy, not rainy, if winter, without snow. Hex when washing:
"The soul of a servant (name) was baptized before noon, afternoon post on the last dawn, red as the blood of innocence, and death, let him go. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Treatment of blood very efficiently. Can be treated so.
Three drops of blood of the mother the patient or his godmother, and three drops of blood a person who treats (blood taken from a finger, but you can not take from the little finger and index finger), are falling into the water, slander, and wash the patient, which then returned to power . Hex read three times.
"The blood of the mother and the wizard will merge, but the heart of a servant (name) clogged. Amen. Amen. Amen.