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Conspiracy if fired from work

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Conspiracy, if fired from work

Such a letter I received recently:

"Dear Stephanie, I want to thank you for helping me in a difficult situation. Your book with tips and ancient conspiracies, which miraculously fell into my hands, helped me change my life. However, first things first.

My husband - a soldier, and when he got a new assignment, our whole family moved with him to another city. At the same job I have had cordial relations with colleagues, and I have subconsciously been waiting for that here, everything goes well. But everything turned out quite differently.

It turned out that I was accepted to place the employee, which is in the team were very fond of. And although everyone knew that she resigned herself, unconsciously I was considered a intrigante wanting to take her place.

From the first day I felt that his colleagues treat me cold, but some - and openly hostile. Well, I think, do not tell us how the women's team can all start a "friendship against someone." Position is my assumed constant communication with the staff that was in these circumstances is very difficult.
No, nobody has done nasty things to me frankly, do not say anything in person, but still lively conversations ceases as soon as I came into office, I accompanied tense glances and talked to me through clenched teeth.

Evenings at home I was crying from hurt - what they refer to me so? After all, I did not do them no harm! Naturally, I became more closed, cautious. During the day the air around me seemed to be ringing on the voltage.

I have seriously thought about what to leave this job. Held me just what she brought a good income.

And then one day everything changed. Randomly in a store I stumbled across your book. Leafed through it and realized - this is for me, it's something that will change my life.

Every day, I began to pray and read the plot, which you advised on a handkerchief and a coin. And a week later I noticed something and actually began to change. Gradually, the tension in relations with colleagues scattered, but one day I was extremely surprised - one of the officers who took on the responsibility to organize all social life, approached me and asked me if I wanted to take part in the preparations for the traditional New Year concert .

I realized that I was able to change their lives, and this helped me a lot you, Stephanie, your book, your experience and advice. Once again - thank you very much. "
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