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Conspiracy of envy

Articles Contents
Conspiracy of envy

If you will be meeting with the person who wishes you harm, prepare a specially nagovorennuyu water. This water blot handkerchief, let it dry, and before the meeting wipe your hands and face it with a handkerchief. The amount of water - at the bottom of the saucer.

Conspiracy before meeting Foes

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the executive heaven and earth Thy glory. Amen. Lord Almighty, who walked in thunder, sitting on oblatseh that overshadowed by the power of heaven, heaven and earth created the art the same, and that all water under the sky and the heavens, and all over the land, seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, keys rain and sanctify this water by the power of Thy Holy Spirit, let it be me fencing, security and joy of the Lord. Amen.

Protective conspiracy against all enemies

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Glory to Thee, Holy Trinity! Glory to you, the holy water that God's helper, a great ugodnitsa. Queen-water that 'without you do not roditsa wheat, cattle do not water that grass does not grow, nothing lives. Helping you to God, you're helping the good people, help me, God's servant (name). Uma, protection, defense against evil spirits, against all enemies. I implore you, I wash you, I'm with you was born, I baptized you, with you day and begin the journey will go. Amen.

Protective plot of valiant men

Jesus Christ, Son of God, the One Deity Trisagion, Mrs. Bogoroditelnitse Virgin, the Holy See, the Angels, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim of principles, you bow, you kayusya. Forgive me, O God, the great sins of thy servant (name). Forgive the sins of slaves and the unknown, let go, forgive, for they will confess to Thee, the One Lord and my God. Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mother of God, holy God arhistratizhe Michael with all the heavenly powers! Deliver me from a cruel death, from death in vain, of a dashing man, a black eye from the blasphemous by word, from a remote road on the unkind heart. You bow, you burn candles, you will commit my spirit. Amen.
Conspired to limit the evil thoughts

Lord God, pray, worship the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Mother protect ask. Give me, O Lord, this Lord's day, in my contract to my persuasion, the work of God's great defense, Your Life-Giving Cross. Topics Cross and the fear of the Cross to save, holy water and wash, towel utrus Phillips, the Lord's swaddle blanket. In the shroud of Our Lady Mother of the Lord Jesus swaddled, and I'm in this shroud swaddle. Lock me, O Lord, my case is closed from the evil intentions and valiant people, utai them all mine, all my entreaties and treaties, all of my roblennya, all my efforts. Bolt, protection from wicked people from evil, from the heretic and eretitsy, from the sorcerer and koldunitsy from skoroeda from idle talk and foul language from glazlivogo and spoiled, from the rough and mangy. Save and Protect me, O Lord, Thy grace of the Holy. Amen.
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