Conspiracy of grief for the dead
Sometimes it happens, does not let the spirit, brings sorrow and sadness, and perhaps even begin to interfere build our lives on. Often it happens when a wife or husband dies. Surviving spouse plunged into an abyss of sadness, and if they try to get up, recover, live, then immediately happens to him something, some sort of misfortune, and again attacked by depression.
We must collect a handful of fine salt over it and whisper:
I'll become the servant of God (name), to bless, I'll go, crossed, I will go toward the east, from east to east, to the east side under a red sun, under the pure stars, under the dawn of the night under the moon underwear. By the grieving Virgin Mary, the Mother of God .- Grieving, Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, I come to you I'm better, I bow to you is lower, I ask you grief, longing for God's servant (name) from the heart to take, but by the wind to dispel.
In the window pour salt in order to shatter it into the wind.
If a husband died, his wife, the other spouse may still be additional words to say:
Ring finger of the name no name no ring finger. Tosca sorrow have no place Tosca sorrow has no place.
Of pain in the heart of the deceased
If no pain in his heart would not let up, gather a bouquet of flowers wild at night in his room supply, and the morning walk to the river, but from the shore, these flowers into the water throw and says:
As a river runs for river bank not sad, do not grieve, and Berezhkov on the river do not miss, so would the servant of God (name), not sad, do not grieve about the servant of God (name).