Conspiracy of infertility
Eating nagovorennuyu water, you can not just get rid of infertility, but also to conceive a child of the sex, what you want. The amount of water - from 1 liter.
Prayer for the gift of children
Hear us, merciful and almighty God, so our prayers will be bestowed Your Grace. Be merciful, O Lord, the prayer of ours, remember thy law is the multiplication of the human race, and be gracious patron, but by Thy help continue thee well established. Thou by thy power out of nothing created everything, and laid the foundation of the world's existing - and created man in His own image, and high mystery of blessed union of marriage and predukazanie secret union of Christ with the Church. Look down, Mercy on Thy servants now, (name) joined the marital union, and imploring thy help, so be on them thy mercy, that they may be fertile, and they may see their children's children even before tretyago chetvertago and kind, and to the desired age will survive and will the kingdom of God through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship befitting the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.
Prayer of Saint Paraskeva the birth of a girl
O holy martyr of Christ and preblazhennaya Paraskevi, the adornment of maidenly, martyrs praise, purity, image, mirror generous, wise surprise, the keeper of the Christian faith, an idol flatter oblichitelnitse, the divine champion of the Gospel, the Lord's commandments revnitelnitse, spodoblshayasya Priit to vechnago haven of rest and groom your Certosa Christ, God's light merry, eagerly Wentz virginity and martyrdom decorated! We beseech Thee, Holy Martyr, wake on us pechalnitsa to Christ God. His vision is preblazhenneyshim ever veselitisya; moth Vsemilostivago, ilk word blind eyes opened, but deliver us from disease our hards, bodily and mental together; razzheni thy holy prayers, the deep gloom of profits from our sins, to implore the Father of Light the light of grace of soul and body feathering our; enlighten us, marred grehmi; light of God's grace, but for the sake of your holy prayers will be given bezochesnym sweet sight. O great ugodnitsa God! Of masculinity Devoe! About sturdy martyr St. Paraskevi! Thy holy prayers awaken us sinners assistant, petitions and molisya of cursed and zelo negligent greshnitseh, accelerator to help us, because zelo weak Seme. Beseech the Lord, pure virgin, pray Miloserdago, the holy martyr, pray to thy Bridegroom, spotless Bride of Christ, let your prayers posobstvovashi, darkness is sinful izbyvshe, in the light of faith and conduct istinnyya Divine vnidem in light of eternal day nevechernyago, in the city of gladness prisnago in nemzhe you now light blistaeshi glory and everlasting joy, and singing hymns slavoslovyaschi with all the heavenly hosts Trisvyatitelnoe one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of St. Alexander Svirsky birth boy
In pious parents Alexander Svirsky had children of both sexes. Then they stopped giving birth. They began to pray to God that He has bestowed upon them his son to comfort and support them in old age. The fruit of their prayers, and was Alexander Svirsky. After the saint's death he began to pray, to have male children, and the prayers of the faithful were executed.
O sacred head, angel earth and human heaven, holy and God-bearing Father, our Alexandra hefty ugodniche Most Holy Trinity and Edinosuschnyya, are many living in the grace of thy holy habitation, and all those with faith and love of inflowing to you! Having asked us all these things blagopotrebnaya to Life of a temporary, and necessary for our eternal salvation. Posobstvuy predstatelstvom thy ugodniche God, before the Lord to enemies and vidimyya nevidimyya. His faithful servants, in grief and sorrow day and night cry to him, let him hear the cry mnogoboleznenny and yes izvedet from ruin our stomach. Yes, the world's glubotse abide Holy Orthodox Church of Christ, and in blagostroenii based on our motherland, in all godliness inviolable. Blessed be all of us, chudotvorche holy assistant early in any trouble and hardships. Chiefly in the same hour of death didst cast revealed Himself to us the Paraclete blagoserdy, but not the legend will be on air power mytarstveh zlobnago miroderzhtsa, but yes vouchsafed nepretknovennago sunrise in the kingdom of heaven. Yes, Father, molitvenniche our cronies! No interm hope ours does not despise humble prayer, our, and predstatelstvuy for us before the throne Zhivonachalnyya Trinity, but was granted to, along with thee and with all the saints, we are unworthy, in the village of Paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy Edinago in Trinity God the Father and Son and of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer to St. novel about the birth of a boy
O sacred head, reverend father, preblazhenne avvo Roman, not high; forget your miserable until the end, but remember we are always among the saints, and supportive prayers to God: Remember your herd, hedgehog himself upasl thou, and do not forget poseschati thy children pray for us, Father sacred, spiritual deeds of your children, for they boldness to the Heavenly King: Do not premolchi for us in the Lord and not despise us, faith and love that thought upon thee: we are unworthy of mention at the Throne of the Almighty, and ceases to praying for us to Christ, God, for given to you byst grace for us pray. Do not Recall bo cha suscha dead: For though the body and hast reposed on us, but the death is alive sy prebyvaeshi not abandon us to the spirit, keeping us from the arrows of reproach, and every charm and wiles of the devil of devils, our good shepherd For though and Relics your cancer before our ochima is always visible, but holy thy soul with angelic host, with bezplotnymi faces, with the heavenly powers, at the throne of the Almighty predstoyaschi, decent fun, leading UBO heavy indeed, and the death of suscha alive, you pripadaet and you pray: molisya about us God Almighty, the benefits of our souls, and ask us time to repent, but forbidding Prade from earth to heaven, from the same bitter ordeal, princes and demons of air from the eternal suffering so get rid of and heir to the kingdom of heaven we will be with all the righteous, who always pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: Whom is due all glory, honor and worship, with His Eternal Father, and holy and good and life-giving His Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.