Conspiracy of revenge and curses
This conspiracy proactive. Read it after the big fights to protect themselves from the curse or the possible damage. Read it needs to be twice a day, morning and evening, and the text say on the three-fold.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Lord, God Bless! I'll become the servant of God (name), to bless, I'll go, crossing himself, out of the house doors from the courtyard gate, out into the open field, will stand on the east face of the west hrestom; pray the true Christ, the King of heaven: grant, O Lord, send, My God, saved, Lord, I am the servant of God (name), from the witch from vedunitsy, from the sorcerer from koldunitsy from dvoezuba from troezuba from two-zhoniti from troezhoniti from girls-prostovoloski from Baba belogolovki, from zhilovata from kilowatt, from lame and krivago, from every zlago, lihago man! Put the Lord, Mount Cachin, coals of fire, iron fence from earth to sky, from east to west. Poshatay the human mind, the evil I would not have done, but everyone would own annoyance. My words the key lock, for ever. Amen.